Chapter Fourteen

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"You know I don't like waking up in an empty bed, baby," Kastor glanced over his shoulder, seeing Venice lingering in the doorway. Normally, the sight of her in that beautiful silk robe barely covering her naked body would have been rather nice for the vampire but he hadn't been in the mood lately.

"Sorry, I thought I would make you something. You know I love laying with you whilst you sleep but being alone with my thoughts was becoming quite depressive," Kastor plated the grilled cheese sandwich and sat down at the dining table, immediately joined by Venice.

"I'm going to have to teach you how to make something with fewer calories, you're getting me fat," Venice rested her hand over Kastor's whilst she ate.

"You're beautiful, Ven, and you're not fat," Kastor muttered absently, his thoughts fading back into that of his father. He hadn't gone back to see him for well over a week, though he was desperate to ensure his safety. He knew he wouldn't want him around during his addiction but with each day that passed, Kastor just found another excuse not to go back.

"What's going through that pretty little head of yours, baby?" Venice slid onto Kastor's lap, straddling him as she cupped his cheeks.

"The usual," Kastor said with a sigh, resting his hands on Venice's hips.

"You're worried about your dad?" Kastor nodded, leaning his head forward and resting it on Venice's shoulder, "maybe it's time you go back and see him. You've put this off long enough, I think it would do you both some good to talk about it all."

"Will you come with me?" Kastor asked in a small voice.

"I can't, baby, I have work today until 5, I'm sorry. And I don't know if Dante is still mad at me about the whole thing in his gallery. It's probably best if you go see him alone," Venice lifted Kastor's head, placing a few chaste kisses on his lips before standing up and taking her plate to the sink, "I'm sick of that Elik guy watching your every move too, it's such a mood killer."

"My father really should have picked a vampire with more experience in quiet observation," Kastor drew back the curtain just a little, his eyes easily finding Elik stood watching him across the street, trying his best to blend in with his surroundings.

"You text me when you get home, OK?" Venice draped her arms around Kastor's waist from behind, "and call me once you've sorted everything out?"

"Of course," Kastor turned and hugged Venice tight in his arms, "I love you, Ven," he murmured into her skin.

"I love you too, baby."

Kastor walked back to the house, Venice lived a few miles away and usually, he would have driven but he was truly dreading getting home. There was a pit in his stomach that grew with every step, nausea building within the vampire. He had no idea what he was walking into, what state his father would be in was a mystery to him.

"Kastor?" the vampire turned as Nya called out to him, walking over with Sev.

"Is my father in?" Nya and Sev both frowned at Kastor's question.

"We were hoping you knew where he had gone," fear spiked through Kastor, the pit in his stomach swelling from fear of confrontation to fear of his father's wellbeing.

"What? You don't know where he is?"

"No. He was fine when we left five days ago, Fionn was still with him. But we returned a few hours later and there was no answer at the door. We agreed to not inform the rest of the coven and we were waiting a week before telling you, we didn't want to worry you if it was nothing," Kastor could have yelled at the two vampires, hell, he could have choked them to death, but he knew what they did was correct. They weren't allowed to ever enter the house without expressed permission from either Dante or Kastor so it made sense that they would just worry in silence.

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