Chapter Twenty-Six

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Fionn woke abruptly, feeling awfully disorientated when he found himself no longer in the car next to Dante. His breathing almost instantly grew erratic as his eyes flew around the room, searching for an iota of recognition to clutch onto.

"You're OK, Fi, you're safe. Calm down, puppy, you're safe," Fionn's gaze snapped to his left as Dante appeared at his side, linking his fingers in with the wolf's.

"God, that was awful," Fionn breathed as he engulfed Dante in a tight hug then loosened his grip as he remembered the vampire's injuries, "sorry," he murmured into Dante's shoulder.

"It's OK, puppy, I'm all healed now."

"Really?" Fionn let go of Dante, tugging off the vampire's shirt, his eyes widening at the lack of wounds. Not even a single scar littered the vampire's torso.

"If you wanted me naked you could have just said, puppy," Dante's tone dropped lower, growing thicker with desire as his pupils dilated, almost snuffing out the cinnabar and citrine iris'. Fionn couldn't seem to form words anymore, his mouth suddenly very dry and the blood seeming to rush to his groin rather than his brain.

He didn't understand how his emotions could have changed so quickly. One minute he was consumed by fear and the next he was overcome by lust. Maybe another effect of the markings on his arm, or maybe an effect of telling Dante how he truly felt.

"Where are we?" Fionn tried to distract his mind from the wicked little fantasies it was conjuring, locking them behind a large, steel door so Dante couldn't peek into them either.

"A motel. We needed to feed and I wanted you to sleep somewhere comfortable for the night," Fionn couldn't take his eyes off Dante's lips, wanting to feel them all over his body.

"And your family? Where are they?"

"Still out feeding, Kas took Ocie to get something to eat. They shouldn't be back for a few hours at the least," Fionn assumed Dante was feeling the same way he was. Maybe it was due to the addiction. Maybe it was the freedom from the facility. Maybe it was the relief of being alive. Fionn didn't care anymore, he simply wanted to act on it. So he did.

Fionn straddled Dante's lap, their lips immediately connecting together, weaving his fingers into the vampire's dark chestnut locks. The wolf groaned as Dante's fangs nicked his bottom lip, the blood mingling in with their kiss, adding to the minty, metallic taste of Dante's mouth.

Dante broke the kiss as he pulled Fionn's shirt off, giving the wolf chance to take a breath before he stole another kiss. The feeling of Dante's cold fingers kneading into Fionn's hips, trailing over his back, caressing his bruised skin, sent countless shivers rolling down the wolf's spine.

Fionn was barely aware of his jeans falling away from his skin and his bare legs still straddling Dante's but was too enthralled in his lover's kiss to bother caring about how it occurred. Fionn rested his head against Dante's as the vampire trailed his lips down his neck, sucking deep purple marks all over the wolf's skin.

"You sure?" Dante whispered between kisses, though Fionn didn't have the capacity to respond. Instead, he ran his tongue over the shell of Dante's ear, drinking in the low moan that escaped his vampire's lips.

Fionn hadn't been with another man for over two years and the pain far outweighed the pleasure in the beginning. He knew Dante was trying to be gentle, trying to kiss away the pain as the two moved tantalisingly slowly but soon the agony bled away and only ecstasy was left.

"Bite me," Fionn breathed, the words sounding broken and forced through his increasingly loud moans. He wasn't sure if Dante heard him, so caught the vampire's earlobe between his teeth, wrenching a moan from him. It was like music to his ears, breathy and husky and low.

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