Chapter Thirteen

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"Wall?" Fionn guessed.

"Nope," Dante continued to stare at the ceiling as Fionn narrowed his eyes at him.

"Dante there is like five things in this room, including us, how the fuck is it not wall?"

"Are you giving up?" Dante finally tore his gaze from the ceiling, that was obviously oh-so-infatuating, and set those cinnabar eyes on Fionn.

"Fine," Fionn huffed.

"Wolf," Dante revealed with a triumphant smirk which dropped instantly as Fionn hit him over the head with a pillow.

"I can't see myself, you moron, that isn't how the game works," Dante's chuckle turned oddly sinister as he rolled over and leant down very close to Fionn. The wolf went silent and still as he stared into the cinnabar eyes that were awfully close to him.

"You're very brave to do something like that," Dante almost purred and it sent a shiver running through the entirety of Fionn's body, "don't you fear me?" Dante flicked the tip of his tongue over his left fang, those bewitching cinnabar eyes never leaving Fionn's. The wolf didn't even have the brain function to breathe in the situation, instead just flittering his gaze from Dante's eyes to his fangs.

Another chuckle drifted from Dante as he sat back where he was previously, giving Fionn room. Seconds later Fionn muttered the usual 'I hate you' to Dante and scurried off to the bathroom, sporting a rather obvious erection. It didn't even take him two days to figure out he could do that to the wolf and he had taken advantage of it multiple times over the three days that followed.

Fionn walked back out of the bathroom a few moments later with a glower in his eyes and a flush on his cheeks. He sat in the rocking chair, not trusting Dante to refrain from repeating his teasing again so soon.

"Fionn there's nothing wrong with you finding me attractive, I have been told I am quite irresistible," Dante kept that smirk on his mouth but Fionn regarded him with a deep frown, "oh, you're not mad at me, are you, puppy?" God, Fionn hated that name, no he didn't, he fucking loved it and it sent a rush of blood to his groin every time it was uttered, "don't be mad at me, puppy, please," Dante cooed with a pout. Fionn shifted his gaze elsewhere, glowering at the corner of the room. It was clear this little arousal thing wasn't gonna go away anytime soon, at least it gave the two of them something to do other than play eye spy.

The familiar sound of the heavy steel door being opened and scraping across the black carpet startled Fionn. He rose from the rocking chair, stepping away from the door with Dante instantly moving in front of him. He had yet to ask him why he did that, though in that moment it probably wasn't all that important.

"Come with me, Mr Harlow," the man who had entered commanded, the first time any of the hunters had ever directly addressed Fionn.

"What do you want with him?" Dante spoke before Fionn had the chance.

"Mr Harlow, now please," Fionn touched Dante's shoulder lightly, catching his attention despite his eyes remaining on the man.

"I'll be fine, let me go."

"That is the second stupidest idea you've had in here. They're going to torture you, that's what hunters do. They're obviously finished with their little observation period and now they're taking a hands-on approach."

"Dante, I will be fine," Fionn repeated, hoping his voice wasn't shaking as much as his hands.

"You didn't see what they did to Eloise-"

"Dante, first, I'm not a child. Second, if I don't go willingly they'll just shock me, knock you out and take me anyway. This way is easier," Fionn walked past Dante, brushing his fingertips of the vampire's clenched fist as he passed. Outside the room, the man guided him down white corridors for a while. Fionn tried to count his steps and remember each turn but it made his head spin and his memory was awful anyway. By the time they actually reached another door, Fionn was exceptionally dizzy and disorientated.

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