Chapter Twenty-Four

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Fionn grimaced as he awoke, his whole body tensing at the pain throbbing through each limb. Upon opening his eyes, he sat up, glancing around the unfamiliar settings, until his eyes landed upon Dante laying on the carpet next to him.

"Dante?" the vampire's eyes flickered open very slowly, looking dull and weary, "you look like hell."

"Mmm, I feel like it," Dante's voice was raspy, weak sounding, "how are you?"

"Achey. Where are we?" Dante motioned for Fionn to give him his wrist and sunk his fangs into the flesh for only a few seconds. Fionn felt the rush of pleasure, numbing the majority of the pain condemning him.

"You should drink more, Dante, you don't look like you're healing," Dante shook his head, licking the blood from his lips.

"Not until you're better. My venom will act as a painkiller for you. I need a favour," Fionn frowned, swinging his legs down off the couch and tugging the blanket tighter around himself.

"Anything, you don't need to ask," Fionn gasped as Dante lifted his shirt, revealing the black blood covering his torso, seeping from the variety of bullet holes, "oh my God, what the fuck is that?"

"My blood. The bullets were laced with plumeria and I think I'm poisoned. I need you to remove them for me, I don't have the strength to do it myself."

"Fuck, Dante, OK," Fionn rose to his feet, tucking the blanket around his waist as he basically carried Dante over to a wooden chair next to the dining table.

"Annabeth said you could borrow some of Martin's clothes," Dante murmured, barely able to keep his eyes open.

"Who?" Fionn wasn't even sure if Dante was hallucinating other people by that point.

"They own the house... went out to get me blood... know about us," Fionn sighed as Dante's speech began to slur.

"Keep your eyes open, don't you dare pass out," Fionn pressed a tender kiss to Dante's lips as he went in search of the clothes. He struggled with the stairs but eventually found the bedroom and tugged on a pair of old jeans that were far too big at the waist.

"Your eyes better still be open!" Fionn called from the kitchen as he found the first aid kit and walked back over to Dante. Shockingly, the vampire did look a little more coherent.

"Morning, puppy," Dante murmured, his dull eyes on the sunrise illuminating the forest around the cabin.

"Can you take the pain, Dante? Because there are no painkillers in here," Dante nodded weakly, tipping his head back and closing his eyes, "hey! Eyes on me," Dante chuckled weakly, grimacing from the partially healed wound on his left cheek.

"You're very bossy, puppy," Dante's eyelids opened slightly and Fionn finally saw the damage his claw had done. The scar would not only be over Dante's cheek but through his eye too. He wondered if the vampire could even still see through it.

"God, I'm so fucking sorry, Dante," Fionn lost himself momentarily, cupping Dante's right cheek, tears in his eyes at the scar that would remain permanently on his vampire's face.

"Don't cry," Dante whispered, "it was an accident."

"It's permanent, Dante. You can't heal a scar from a wolf claw. That's there forever," Dante brushed away the tear that Fionn didn't manage to quell.

"Please don't cry, puppy," he repeated, "I don't blame you."

"I blame me, Dante."

"Well don't. It was an accident," Dante pressed a weak kiss to Fionn's quivering lips, grimacing at the movement. Fionn knelt in front of Dante, removing his shirt, his eyes flittering from each of the seven bullet wounds.

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