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Day 1127:

This is it, we've finally reached the centre or of Galra Empire.

We've taken back all the planet's, fought so many monsters and somehow come out unscathed.

This is the final place of the Galra. After they all retreated from their planet's, they've been working together.

I don't know how we're going to make it out this time – then again – most of the time its sheer luck.

Everyones charging in. I'm on Kru, the paladins are in Voltron, DRAC!A is here and Atlas has changed into its robot form. This is it.

•– + –•

'VOLTRON! Cover Atlas and veer right to avoid the carriers! DRAC!A and Lance go in left and take out as many ships as you can!' Shiro's voice boomed into the mic and Lance took a hard left with Kru to meet up with the other dragon riders.

'Firr, Tirnor, Jayla! I'll distract the fighters by going big while you guys take out the ships!' Lance and Kru barrelled straight into the war zone and Kru grew until he was the size of the Atlas. The fighters veered towards Lance and shot at him, Kru only able the dozens of fighters with each bite, not enough when there are millions surrounding them.

'Go towards the mothership, try to take a bite out of the exterior.'

Snap, the metal frame crushed under his jaw. 'Good job Kru—' Lance couldn't finish his sentence as he stared down the barrel of a bulkhead.


Sound, where was the noise? Kru? I-I can't remember... what just happened?

Debris, why is there so much debris? Where is it from? Its white...

My eyes widened as the metal plating moved from in front of me. There was Atlas, broken apart, cracked like an egg.

No, no it can't be... Voltron? Where's Voltron...

The lion drifted in view and all I could see was debris everywhere.

My mouth hung open as I choked back tears whe I saw the bodies on the Paladins float into view.

Cracked helmets, frozen lips. They were all dead.

For once I want this to be all over, a hell wrapped in flames.

I closed my eyes and let the void take me.

Day 1175:

My eyes flickered open and I saw the ceiling of a hospital room.

My head was foggy, what happened?

Then it hit me.

Everything. They're all dead.

How am I in a hospital?

Day 1187:

I kneel down on the ground and place six flowers.

Purple for Shiro.

Yellow for Hunk.

Green for Pidge.

Orange for Coran.

Pink for Allura.

Red for Keith.

This is where they're burried.

The finest grounds in the world.

They don't deserve this.

No one, deserved this.

They're all dead and I survived. What a cruel twist of fate.

I wished Kru my final farewell as I sent him back to the stars so he can go home.

I pull the clucky metal gun out of my pocket.

On it was the initials of all the Paladins.

I cocked the silver draw once and slowly turned the gun around, its cold barrel pressing against the bottom of my chin.

I smiled bitterly and pulled the trigger.

A blue flower fell out of my pocket.
What a cruel twist of fate indeed.

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