Chapter One: How it began (Edited)

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This town is interesting ________________________________

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This town is interesting

The Cullens were gone. They picked up their things and left.

Nobody could be happier than Charlie Swan when one of his best friends, Harry Clearwater, told him the news that his little girl, Isabella, was lost. When he arrived home, he was a little scared that she wasn't there, but he waited a while, thinking she was buying something or on her way home, but oddly enough, her car was in the driveway. But when minutes turned to hours, he knew something was wrong.

The search party went everywhere: to the school, the town, and the woods. Everybody was looking for Isabella Swan, Chief Swan's only daughter.

Jacob Black was scared. He knew that his friend was in love with the Cullen boy. When he heard they were gone, he was damn happy. Now, he could get the girl he liked, but he knew how heartbroken she would be if she were found.

The police searched everywhere, every corner, every street, but nothing. It was as if the earth had swallowed her.

"They are gonna find her, I know that," Charlie said to himself.

He snapped out of the trance, the worried face he wore when Jacob Black yelled out his name.

Running towards the side of the house where the young boy was, Charlie locked eyes with the eyes of an angry Sam Uley, leader of a supposed kind of gang from La Push.

"Jacob! What happened?" The boy shook his head and looked at Sam Uley. The male looks at the chief, his angry gaze softening a little.

"Sir, I found her but-"

"Where is she?! Is she hurt?! Do we have to get her?!" Yell a scared father as Sam shook his head. With a sigh, he looked at the forest, waiting for something to come out.

"I found her, yes, but she wasn't alone; people were already helping her. They should be here just about-"

Sam stopped talking as everyone could hear leaves breaking and the bushes moving.

In the darkness, Bella Swan's unconscious body came into the arms of a boy no older than 17, with a girl and boy on each side of him. You could notice that they were related. The first boy, the one holding Bella Swan, was tall and slender, but you could see he had some muscle in him: snow-white skin, full lips held in a teasing smirk, golden eyes, and blond gold hair. The girl was the female version of him; the difference was that she smiled softly, her long blonde hair falling like waves on her shoulder, and her delicate hands held Bella's school bag.

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