Chapter Five: Should we do something?

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Vampire Alert! Vampire Alert!________________________________

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Vampire Alert! Vampire Alert!

"Why are you still here?"

Rolling his eyes Sebastian looked over his shoulder at the "scary" pose Paul Lahore was wearing. Laughing to himself he turns back to the backyard of Samuel's house. Watching at said leader teach the young new wolf how to change their form at will.

"Watching, don't you have eyes boy? God, what a genius we have here" He didn't have to turn around to feel the male pulsating in anger, he could hear his breath, his nostrils, his beating heart and that only made Sebastian more amuse.

"¡Paul control yourself!" Came the commanding voice of their Alpha aka Samuel as he stares down at his pack member while Jacob couldn't help but chuckle. The Bernardi boy was interesting, to say the least, yes he is a vampire and naturally, he feels a rejection toward his kind but he feels a sense of gratitude. If it wasn't for him Jacob would have changed on the way to his house and could have risked an accident or to some human to see him. Sebastian was okay... For a vampire.

"So tell me, Samuel, everything there is to know about the shapeshifters" Raising an eyebrow Sam looked to the eyes of the cold skin male. He can't do anything to him or even deny the entrance to his territory to any Bernardi their elders made a deal with them long ago, a deal he doesn't have the right to know just yet but he finds it weird the curiosity the vampire has to the shapeshifters lifestyle. What could he be planning?

"We change our format will when we are in our wolf form we have the ability to speak through our minds..." Began the lesson.

Sebastian was learning everything he could of Sam. While the new pup of the group was distracted.

These lessons were going to be hard if the young one was like that


"You have to be more careful" Sebastian sigh as he closed the book he was reading, sitting up in his bed he saw the worried face of Oliver.
Smiling he Pat the bed, gesturing for him to sit down. Oliver did so, while the older vampire smile gently, raising his hand he touch Oliver's dark brown curls.

"Your hair is getting longer"

"Don't like it?"

"Love it actually, it reminds me of the Afro you used to have en the 80'"

Oli smiled remembering the fun they have, at that time before his smile was gone.

"I worry about you, have you eaten at all today?"

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