Chapter Seven: Copycat

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You have something that I want Pixie______________________________

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You have something that I want Pixie

A deep silent

That is what followed as Sebastian glance around at the people in front of him, he made a great effort in not to look at his... mates eyes. His frown deepened as he realizes he couldn't read the curly blonde's mind either making him glare at the vampires in front of him.

I can't believe this shit

Alice looked at the blonde's dark aura, his face, and his whole body scream danger. She felt a shiver run pass her whole body as the vampire's light blue eyes flash into her gold eyes and locked there.

"Now this is interesting" Sebastian mutter in an amused tone as he looked into the girl's thoughts. So she saw Bella "die" and came to see for herself.

Getting a little closer, Jasper walked to Alice trying to block the vampire gaze on her to land on him instead, Sebastian frown at the sudden movement and avert his eyes to don't look at the young vampire in front of him.

Looking at the side he notices a confuse looking Jacob and a blushing Isabella.

"Dude, that was so cool". Sebastian chuckled to himself at the excitement tone on the wolf's voice. Oliver chooses that moment to get closer to the older vampire rising a hand to the blonde's cheek, caressing the spot, making the blonde smiled at the boy. Oliver looked at the new vampires meeting a glare that sent his way.

"Your eyes are showing"

Sebastian blinks his eyes and the now gold eyes reflect on the equal eyes of the young boy. Oliver smile and step away from him.

Jasper watched in silent at this new vampire, he was beautiful, from his messy hair to his body and hi clothes everything about him was beautiful but at the same time dangerous.

He couldn't help but watch almost in a dazed state at the vampire in front of him, he had never felt this away before it wasn't simple attraction it was more than that but he didn't know just what it was.

"So little human, rumors tell me you went for a swim ?" The Bernardi laughed, while the Cullens frown at them. Jacob frown making an almost pouting expression, making Sebastian chuckle.

"Jacob I was just looking fo-"

"Who do you think you are coming like this and been so mean to Bella?!"

Sebastian closed his eyes trying to control his power as his ears listen to the annoying voice of the female vampire. Why did she have to talk?

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