Chapter Eight: Fuck Feelings

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This Power Of Mine____________________________________

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This Power Of Mine

"Did you know that there's a legend about mate-"

"Don't wanna hear it  Oli" replied Sebastian as he keeps on reading a magazine.

He hates this, hates this town, hates the people, hates the fucking Cullens, hates the fucking gorgeous blonde vampire who is his mate, and hates how thirsty he is.

"¡¡Come on it's not like it's a big deal, you have a mate, WOW!! And a hot one! ¡¡Oh my god, how can God ever do something like this to you!!" Becca said sarcastically as she walks into the living room finding her older brother and her nephew laying down on the carpet floor, shoes off, with snacks all over the carpet as her brother pout and his son just smiles cutely at her.

"You don't get it, sister, it's not that I have a mate that bothers me it's the fucking timing"

"¿What do you mean?" Sebastian stood up sitting on the couch as Oliver munch on some chips on the floor.

"What I'm talking about is this shit" With that Sebastian took off his shirt exposing his chest to his sister and son. Becca gasp as she saw right in the middle of his chest a black mist pounding lightly as if it was a heartbeat, the black mist was much bigger now than how it was 100 years ago when it starts showing.

"¿Does it hurt?" Ask Oliver as he looks up worried at his father.

"Sometimes, it's slowly eating everything inside me wanting to come out. But I'm not worried about this, I'm worried about you" He says as he puts on his shirt, while Oli takes a sit on the floor and Becca sits next to her brother.

"Dad, they don't suspect anything yet, we have Tim-"

"What if they found out now ah? Whit this shit inside me it's not like before when with just a snap of my fingers anyone I want would drop dead, now this shit it's taking everything and while we don't find quickly someone to take it out I still need a shapeshifter"

"Why don't we use Jacob then," Asks Becca, Sebastian sighs as he thinks of the cheerful boy.

Shaking his head he glances at the other two.

"He is a good young boy, too young even. For this, I need an older one so that it doesn't kill him"

Oliver sighs as he looks outside the window, feeling guilty at the way his father is in pain every time.

"¿What about your appetite? Has anything change?" Ask Becca as she looks concerned about her brother, that power he has is slowly killing him until they found someone to take it out Sebastian may have to stop using some of his powers.

"Nothing yet, I still can eat both blood and human food. Well, eating human food it's the only thing that controls this fucking mist"

At first human blood was enough for Sebastian to control his power, it last for more than 13 different powers that he had gathered in his travels but when he got to 20 powers his body was slowly more heavy in a way were even lifting a candle was to much power for his body, since then the family tries anything, human blood, animal blood, a ritual with the witches anything but none of them was good enough until Oli suggests human food since he already eats it, he proposed the idea to his father one night, Sebastian try it and he felt how the weight in his body left him and it change to even more energy in his body. Since then Sebastian has to eat once in a while human food to prevent his powers to weaken.

"That's good then" She smiled as she walks to her brother and gently cares for his hair.

"I know that you think that with your power you would be able to protect us all, but you have to remember that we all have powers now, you are not alone" Sebastian gently smiled.

"I know"


"So what are we going to do about the Bella situation" Their father Lucius ask as all the Bernardi family sat in a tense air in the living room. Becca smirked and with a mocking tone on her voice said.

"Nothing, we should do nothing if she lives well for her if she is late great if she dies excellent!" Sebastian smirks and shares a look with his brother.

Yeah, she is jealous of the human

"But can we afford to do nothing?"Says Alison as she glances worried at her family.

"We can it's not like we made Edward go to those old fucks in the first place, I mean if he wanted to die so much, why not just burns himself. All that stupid thing about no control for even your death is so stupid. Good thing we are not like them" Luke says as he sits on the couch with Oli next to him nodding his head.

"We are not like them just because we all have powers which are rare in covens," Says Lucius.

Sebastian glances at his family before voicing his thoughts.

"Sonner or later we will have to be on their business, even if we don't want to, because we have two situations which may be worrisome for us. One Alice has memories of us, which Aro is going to look into a become interest, and two Carlisle, he has always been a heart on the sleeves kind of guy, he will want to have his coven protected now that we are here, against those fuckers"

They all ponder over what's been says.

"Sometimes I regret coming in here God," says Becca as she glances worried at her family. Sebastian smiles gently at her.

"Don't worry sis, we just have to be on the line with this, the moment we think it gets to bothersome we leave"

"What about the blonde beauty?" Becca asks with a smirk on her face making Sebastian roll his eyes while Oli and Luke laugh.

"Would you leave him, if things get too complicated?" Alison asks.

Sebastian looks out the window.

"The thing is in my mind, I don't care I just met the guy, I don't know what he likes or what he dislikes his hobbies, what he does in the night or what he laughs like..."

They all fall silent as they looked at their coven leader.

"Of course I should don't care if I don't see him for years or centuries but... as cliche as it sounds, it hurts the thought of leaving him"

He closes his eyes as he curses out.

"Fuck feelings"

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