Chapter Three: Never Have It

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Isn't love supposed to be a good thing?________________________________

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Isn't love supposed to be a good thing?

Nobody would have expected it, but for their plan to be a success they need the human, Bella Swan. And for that to happen they have to be "friends" to her. So here he was Sebastian with a full lunch tray walking to the said human, who was sitting alone in the cafeteria while looking at the window. Her whole face show sadness, grief, and a deep emptiness. It was obvious that she was just numb from pain. It was just so funny.

"Seriously girl gets a hold of yourself," Said Sebastian while sitting in front of the human as she jumps in shock at the sudden entrance of the boy. Her eyes open wide as she saw a god beautiful boy in front of her. Her dull brown eyes lightly sparked as she saw the familiar golden eyes of the boy. His blonde hair was perfectly styled giving it a sexy messy look, perfect bone structure with a jaw that could cut, lips but on a smirk, as he watched her clearly checking him out. He was gorgeous like a celebrity would look like. That's when it hit her.

"Y-You're a..."

The girl couldn't finish the sentence as the boy in front of her cut the steak on his plate, mix it with the cafeterias smash potatoes and then took a bite of the meal watching in amusement as the girl looked at him confused.

"A creature of the night? A bloodsucker? A demon? A vampire? All from above?" He replied after swallowing, the girl visible tenses up. He smirks at her.

"Well yes, I'm a vampire but between you and me, we both know I'm not the first one you have encountered isn't it?"

The girl frowns as she watches the vampire took hold of his soda and start drinking it.

"Who are you?" He raises his eyebrows faking surprise.

"I thought you would know who I am, from starters I'm the one who took your cold and dirty body out of the woods 2 months ago"

He chuckles at the stiff posture the human has.

"You can relax you know. It's not like I'm gonna take a bite out of you in front of like 100 little humans. Sorry to say this sweety but you are nothing more than a blood bag that I can find in any corner"

She slightly relaxes but inside of her a feeling of anger raises. Edward had said her blood smelled really good, like a drug or something. It smelled so good that a red-eye vampire was willing to kill an entire clan to get her. So why was this new vampire - a sexy new vampire- more interest in his salad than her?

"I thought you would have heard about me, if not by your dad by I don't know... maybe Edward."

The girl flinched at the name while the vampire smirked happily at the pain on her face.

"You know him?" She couldn't bring herself to say his name, it was as if just thinking about him make her bleed inside.

Sebastian's eyes brighten in mischief. This was gonna be so fun.

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