Chapter Six: The Sin

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The Sinner_______________________________

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The Sinner

Redhead vampire

Redhead vampire

Redhead vampire

Do I know some vampire with red hair? Well, Of course.

Do I know any redhead stupid enough to bring trouble to my town? Hell no.

Sebastian thought to himself as he looked around the classroom. The humans talking to themselves, some trying to hook up with their interest, others worried about the upcoming test. But all Sebastian could think about was this so-called redhead vampire. He was angry.

Angry at the thought of some stupid vampire trying to get into his town and maybe bringing trouble to his plans. He was so close to getting it.

A ringing sound snaps him out of his thoughts. Taking out his phone he smirks as he accepted the call.

"Hey, there Jacob how you doing ?"Hearing a nervous chuckle he stood up from his seat and start walking out of the door. The class being art right now make it easier to come and go as he wanted. It helped that he had already finished his masterpiece.

"Hey, I just want... well advise"  Raising an eyebrow, he leans against a locker while imagining the look on the pack faces if they were to hear this. A wolf asking for advice from a vampire.

"Tell me what is troubling you and I see what I can do" He heard Jacob taking a deep breath.

"You see I want to tell Bella about... w-well you k-know my furry little problem as you call it. But the thing is it's against the law of us to tell outsiders so-"

"So you are troubled about how you are technically lying to her, but you want to be honest about yourself"

"I just don't know what to do."

"Look this is what you are going to do, first go see her. Be there for her and be your soft little wolf friend, after that explain that in a way you are something else but it's dangerous if she knows, so like it's for her safety. Then you give her a few tips for her to figure it out on her own. Maybe draw her a full moon or some shit like that" He heard the boys laugh.

"¿Do you think that would work?"

"Have I ever lie to you? Besides, that girl is so stupid that she is still hoping her ex will come back when she has a perfect boyfriend material in front of her"

"She is not... Okay I get your point but anyway thanks, for you know the help"

"Glad I could help, Goodbye Jacob"

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