Chapter Two: No Thoughts? (Edited)

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New Flash Bro, School Still Sucks________________________________

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New Flash Bro, School Still Sucks

Sebastian couldn't help but roll his eyes at the stares they were getting from the humans of Forks High School. All around the parking lot, the humans whispered and wondered who those four wonderful "humans" were.

With a glance, he could detect what they were thinking; most of the women and male population were focused on their looks, the cars they were driving, and their type of clothes. They were trying to figure out what kind of people they were.

Do they have money? Are they models? Are their parents some celebrity? All stupid questions like that.

"God, I hate adolescents," Said Luke as he exited his car. He was making Becca giggle, loving the stares.

The differences between her and Sebastian are more noticeable now.

"Well, in my case, I love their stares."

"Of course you do," Says Oliver as he puts on his jean jacket. Sebastian chuckles to himself before smirking at Oliver, making the latter grin.

"Let's get our schedule," said the older Bernardi. With that, the four start walking to the school of hell.

Walking inside the school, they couldn't say they were surprised at the design of the school. Just your typical high school. The front office was the same. The woman behind the counter was smiling a "sexy" smile, if you could call that a smile at all. But she was trying.

"What a rush it would be to have an affair with a student. Any of this group would do. Even the girl," she thought to herself the lady as she blushed and unbuttoned a little her dress shirt. Sebastian scoffed at the thought as he silently recalled what the woman was thinking—the other three laughed.

"Hello, dears, ¿ What can I do for you?"

Oliver smiled, his signature puppy smile as some would call it, making the woman's cheek light up on fire.

"We are the new students, and we need our schedules," He said sweetly. Sebastian smirks as he watches all the women working in the office turn around at the sound of the smooth voice.

"Y-Yes, c-could you tell me your last names ?" At that, Sebastian took a step forward, making the woman's eyes shift from the cute, tall guy to Sebastian's intense golden eyes.

"We are the Bernardi's madam," Sebastian smirks at the fast heartbeat of the secretary.

The woman blinked a few times to try to collect herself.

"Y-Yes, here t-this are your schedules. Your lockers and their codes."

Sebastian smiled and took the papers from the woman's hands. Passing each schedule to each sibling. They all made their way to the lockers.

"It's so damn annoying that I have the body of a 15-year-old." Oliver chuckles as the twins smirk at their younger brother's suffering.

"With that cute face of yours. Do you think you pass as a 17-year-old? " Becca laughed at Luke's face.

Sebastian was about to give his opinion when he caught the eye of a human. Not just any human but none other than Bella Swan. Oliver saw who Sebastian was looking at and laughed to himself quietly.

"Wait here." With that, he made his way to the blood bag Edward was so fond of. Brown hair with pale - more sick pale than anything- skin and brown eyes.  She was plain. Like any other human, he couldn't understand what could be so fascinating in this girl. Her thoughts? Her scent? Her blood? Her plainness?

But that's when it hit him. The Moment he tried to hear her thoughts, it was as if a wall didn't let him in. Sebastian smirks. Now he gets it. But the thing is, the Cullens must not know this; if they knew, they would have changed her. Well, if they were smart, they would, that is.
Now, this just got much more fun.

Sebastian got closer to the human; she was as open as a deer in a cage full of tigers. Just waiting to be eaten.

"Hey, there, you must be Bella Swan, right?"

The girl turns around, not expecting anyone to talk to her. Her brown eyes lock with a pair of gold eyes. But this wasn't the gentle and kind eyes of her now ex-boyfriend.

These pair scream danger all over.


"She is a shield."

At that, all the Bernardis that sat in the living room area turn to the blonde male as he leans on the doorway with a scoop of Chocolate ice cream in his hand. He swallows the sweet chocolate flavor before speaking again.

"Because, at the moment, she is not a vampire. I can't take her powers, but luckily, I already had them from another fellow to read her thoughts, just not all the time. My focus has to be on her only, to break her wall."

They all listen carefully; Oliver turns to Sebastian.

"What about her memories? "

Sebastian chuckles as he recalls the memory of the grieving human.

"it's interesting. Like take out of a fairytale, but for our plan to succeed, we sadly need her."

"Why, though? What could a plain human girl like her have that will benefit us?"

Sebastian smirked.

"A few friends from La Push, perhaps?"

Luke smiled, having already figured out the plan his brother had.

"Want me to lend you a hand, bro?"

Raising an eyebrow, Sebastian looked at his younger brother. "In what way, brother?"

" Like making a little wolf fall hard and fast in love?"

Sebastian just smiled. His plan was going to be a success.

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