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Author's Notes: I dont own Mo Dao Zu Shi. I want to say a big thank you to everyone who went out of their way to check out this fic and read it. Thank you so much guys I really love MDZ. And seeing people read my story really means a lot. I haven't written fics for more than ten years so  I am a bit rusty haha. Moving on... This chapter  includes a school party taking place. The young ones having fun  Jiang cheng   stuttering   a drunk and happy Xichen and Wangji getting back at his brother and plays matchmaker hahahah

"Wangji is everything set for the party?"     "mnn. Preparations are taking place as we speak. Jin guangyao is handling it.He is the head of the fetival committee after all. "   Lan xichen smiled  he is relieved that the members of  the council work diligently even without his supervision. In a few days a party will be held at their University to celebrate its foundation it doubles as a welcoming  celebration to the incoming freshmen. And as always the council is spearheading the event so everyone is busy. Lan Xichen being the president is seeing that everything is in order often staying beyond school hours to finish up his work. Wangji seeing this can't help but worry. "brother there are people in the council who can do the work designated to them don't overdo it."    "I know. I just want to make sure everything is in place. I want the students to enjoy  the event." Lan Wangji sighed. His brother is kind and puts everyone first before himself. A lot of people admire  him and yet no one had ever stepped up  to show it. He suddenly remembered how his brother interacts with Jiang cheng. He seemed free from the restraints of having to act pristine and mannered since he is the council president. An idea was forming in his head. He is not the type of person to meddle in personal matters but since it's his brother he can always make an exception. "brother Xichen...."    "hmmm what is it Wangji?"    " we might need some extra help with the  preparations.  Maybe we can ask some people to help out?"     "hmmmm yeah  thats a great idea. Who  do you have in mind?"     "people whom you know.. You are familiar with like  Jiang cheng and the others."    "so I'm guessing  we should include Wei Ying as well " Xichen said with a smile. Wangji paused his plan took a turn around and now his brother is teasing him. He decides to go along with it. "if he wants to then it's up to him."
"okay I'll talk to Wanyin about it. Have you invited Wei ying?"    "no.I'm sure he is aware  about the event by now."  Lan zhan answered. Truth is he felt embarrased with the last encounter he had with with Wei Ying his feelings took over and worse Wei Ying thought he was acting weird. "at least tell him Wangji since it is a project of the council. "    "okay if I see him."

Wei Ying was walking around the school grounds his classes have ended and is just waiting for jiang cheng and his friends to grab some snacks. He remembered his last encounter with Wangji. how the other had asked him to stay. How Lan zhan had hugged him. He felt his cheeks grow warm. Being close to Lan zhan is doing weird things to his heart. He was cut off in his thoughts. When he heard Wen Ning calling him.  "hey Wen Ning where are Jiang cheng and Huaisang?"    "Huaisang is still in class  Jiang cheng  is on his way here."    "oh good I'm really hungry. " "    hey Wei Ying......"    "yeah?"    "I'm sorry."    "what for?"     "for always causing trouble for you. You ended up getting hurt because of me. i....."    "nahhh don't worry about it to much  Chao chao is being a jerk so of course I would do something."     "I know but still....thank you  I just remembered.... Lan Wangji was really angry with what happened."    " of course he would be he is part of the council."    "its not about that Wei Ying. "     Jiang cheng finally you showed up I'm starving you know."    "what Wen Ning said is true. "     "what are you guys talking about? "      " When you  ran off somewhere Lan Wangji  ran into Wen chao. He found out about what Wen chao did to you and he threatened him. lan Huan had. To pull him back it was scary."    Wei Ying was speechless. lan Zhan never  mentioned anything to him about this. "have you talked to him Wei Ying Lan wangji is very worried about you. He has been staring at you since that incidemt and is keeping a close eye on you."    "you guys are just imaginong things  ha ha ha why Would Lan zhan do that. "     "maybe he's worried about you."   the three turned to see Lan Xichen approaching  them.   "how are you Wei Ying."   "oh I'm fine senior Xichen thanks again for everything. "     "it was nothing. Jiang Wanyi can you come with me for a moment."  Lan Xichen said looking at Jiang cheng who suddenly felt nervous. "its okay Jiang cheng just catch up with us later. And good luck. Ha ha ha,!"   Wei ying said dragging Wen ning away from the two. "what did he mean by that?"     "just ignore him Wei ying is just being xrazy. What was it you wanted to talk to me about."     "we are holding a party In a few days and the council is taking care of the details sadly with the amount of time we have we need some extra help. Can you help us out?"    "sure. Just tell me what to do. lan huan." Lan Xichen smiled and Jiang cheng felt his ears grow warm.  "just stay by my side. And also...... I want you to attend it with me Wanyin.

"why did you drag me like that Wei Ying?"    "Wen Ning asked when he was dragged away and hid behind a bush.  "shhhhhh  I can't. Hear them. Oh  look Jiang cheng is blushing hahahah" Wei Ying said  trying to stiffle his laughter. They were spying on Jiang cheng and Lan Xichen. "does Jiang cheng like Senior Xichen?"    "maybe. Have you seen Jiang cheng  interact with anyone that way?"    "uhhh... No"    "so there you have your answer now. Look at him his face looks funny hahahah. And I think Senior Xichen. Likes him. He asked him to attend the party with him. Wow!   Jiang cheng is so lucky"     " how about  you Wei Ying?  Do you like Lan Wangji?"   
Wei ying was caught off guard by the question he couldn't even say  anything.  He remembered the string of events he went through and Lan Zhan was always there.
"I.... i don't know. I'm not sure " he answered for the first time in his life Wei Ying felt confused over his own emotions.

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