Chapter 1: Heading to Beacon

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Couple of years passed by as a tragic event happened, Summer got killed during a mission, being honest it was painful for Qrow, Taiyang, Yang and Ruby as they cried over her death, even though (D/N) cannot cry, he does felt sadness over her death as he tries his best to comfort the sad family.

Seeing that kind of event happened, (D/N) vowed that he will not let another member of the family to die, he promises that.

~(D/N) POV~

Earlier today, Tai gave me an order to keep an eye on Ruby just to be sure to keep her safe, which is my top priority. Unfortunately for me this is my first time being in Vale, I guess they don't want me to be caught or kidnapped seeing that I am different compared to the from the Atlas Androids.

As I walked through the Town of Vale I saw a group of people in suits robbing a store called "Dust Until Dawn" seemed to be selling dust.

"Huh, maybe I should stay-

Suddenly one of the thieves was thrown through the window followed by, Ruby as she stood and unfurled a large red scythe.

She had a look of confidence as she skillfully twirled her weapon before shutting off her music player.


The leader of the thieves came outside with the rest of his men, I stood back and observed.

"Okayyy... Get her!" he said angrily, the rest of his men charged towards the lone girl.

As I was about to intervene, Ruby skillfully swung her scythe knocking out the men with ease while dodging their feeble attacks.

'Oh... I forgot she do that...' I thought sheepishly to myself watching her sent the last one of the thieves flying to his boss's feet knocking him out.

"Well you were worth every cent, truly you were. Well Red, I think we can say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I'd love to stick around..."

The leader raised up a stick at the girl.

"I'm afraid this..."

Suddenly the end of his cane lifts up revealing a weapon barrel, and a crosshair...

'UH OH!' I panic as I ran to protect Ruby.

"Is where we part ways." he said as he fired what looked like a rocket at the girl.

I tackled her out of the way her away from the explosion.

She landed close to me and looked at me with surprise,

"(D/N)!? What are you doing here!" Ruby asked in surprise seeing her Droid in Vale, because this is the first time (D/N) has been in Vale.

"Well, Tai or your Father ordered me to keep an eye on and keep you from harm, and it seems you gotten yourself in harm!" I said with concern in a tone.

"Well, I'm fine..." she looks at by behind me and notices the E-5 blaster and the RPS-4 Launcher in back. " have weapons?!" She asked excitedly.

"Uh... Yes, but we can talk about this later after we deal with Ginger Thief!"

"Which Ginger?" Ruby asked.

I pointed towards the spot that the Ginger organic was, she looked where he was only to see him gone.

We looked around and saw the Crook climbing a ladder up to a roof, The girl looked back to an old man must be the store's owner.

"Mind if we go after him?" she asked.

"Uh huh" the old man said as he nodded.

"Alright! Let's go my good companion of mine!"

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