TCOR Shorts: Comforting the Rose

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~Location: Patch~
Time: 11:00 PM

It was night time as the Rose/Xiao Long Family are fast asleep, while a certain B1 Battle Droid is seen doing some late night chores.

In the kitchen, (D/N) is seen putting the plates and utensils back in the shelves or drawers. Even though Tai, Summer or Qrow could have place the plates shelves instead of (D/N), however all three came home from work very exhausted so (D/N) is the only one available to finish the task.

Basically his task are about cleaning the dishes, do the laundry, hang and dry the clothes, put the dishes back in the shelves, mop and sweep the floor. These task were given to him when Tai, Summer and Qrow returned home exhausted, but he didn't complain since their reasons is understandable, and complied with the task.

As (D/N) finishes placing the plates back inside the shelves, he closes the door and he hears the sounds of footsteps behind him. He looks behind him to see a 7 year old Ruby on the doorway, holding her blanket with a scared and sad look.

(D/N) looks at her confused and asked, "Mistress Ruby? What are you doing here awake this late?" He asked as he faces her.

Ruby looks away, and hesitantly answers, "...I...I have nightmare..."

(D/N) looks at her with suspicion, because this is unusual for Ruby to be going in the kitchen when she has a nightmare. Usually she would go to her parents for comfort whenever she has a bad dream. And by the looks of her face, the B1 Battle Droid can tell, she's experiencing more than a nightmare.

"Mistress Ruby, I know you're experiencing more than just a nightmare." Ruby's eyes widen at his response, "...Usually you would go to Master Tai and Mistress Summer for comfort, and this... this is unusual for me... for you to come in the kitchen."

(D/N) then walks towards her and kneels down at her level, "Tell me Mistress Ruby, what's bothering you?"

Ruby looks at her Droither with sad expression, before she hugs him tightly. Confused, (D/N) was about to ask what's wrong, until he hears sobbing. Coming from Ruby.

"Mistress? What's wrong?" (D/N) asked.

Ruby breaks from the hug and looks at the B1 Battle Droid, with tears still on her eyes and weakly said, "I... I-I... I was being bullied at School." 

"W-What?" (D/N) said in surprise by the information, before he looks at her with a serious tone, "...when did this happen?"

" was after my first day of school..." Ruby said sadly, looking away, avoiding the gaze of her Droid companion

" long has this been going?"

"It has been going on for two months..." Ruby said as tears are threatening to fall out.

The (D/N) shock by the information, the fact that his little master is being bullied after the first day of school and it has been going for two months?! He wonders why would someone bully a nice little girl like Ruby. Unbeknownst to them, around the corner Tai-yang, and Summer heard what happened, they were shock that their young child is getting bullied.

Shaking from his shock, (D/N) asked, "...why did they bully you?"

Ruby sniffed before answering, "...they said something about my eyes being silver, and they called me a freak..."

"...does... anyone know about this? Like Mistress Summer, Master Tai or anyone else?" (D/N) asked.

"N-No..." Ruby stuttered.

"What about Mistress Yang, she studies at Signal as you? Surely she would know..." (D/N) was then interrupted.

"I... didn't tell her... I haven't told my parent of me being bullied..." Ruby sniffed.

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