TCOR One-Shot: Where my loyalty lies.

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(Disclaimer: This is not canon to the actual storyline of TCOR)

A/N: Also in this One-Shot the reader this time is a Tactical Droid. This takes place on "Volume 6, Chapter 3: The Fable."

"I am Jinn, a being created by the God of Light to aid Humanity in its pursuit of knowledge." Jinn introduced herself, "...I've been graced with the ability to answer three questions every one hundred years. You're in luck, as I am still able to answer-"

"That's enough!" Ozpin/Oscar interrupts before everyone looks to Ozpin, who managed to regain control over Oscar's body.

"...two questions this era."

Everyone is shocked, despite Ozpin's statement about questions of the relics all used up.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, old man," Jinn says.

"Ruby, please... Don't." Ozpin begged to Ruby.

Qrow glances to Ozpin, and steps forward.

"Hey..." He begins when suddenly, Yang, Weiss, and Blake pull their weapons out and trained it at Qrow while the Rose stares in disbelief.

Qrow quickly relents, "Do whatever you think is right, kiddo."

Ruby then pondering her question, "...Jinn?"
Ruby turns around to face Jinn, who has a curious look on her face, while Ozpin grits his teeth in anger.

"What is Ozpin hiding from us?"

"NOOOOOOO!!" Ozpin roared as he stood up and ran at her.

Ruby gasps and looks behind her. As Ozpin lunges forward and is about to tackle her, but suddenly, Ruby finds herself alone in a blank white background.

"Wha-- what? Weiss? Yang?"

Ruby disappears out of view then Yang comes appears looking for her team

"Blake? Ru-" Yang disappears from view, and Weiss then appears, also calling out for their team leader.

"-by? Ruby?" Weiss calls out to her partner.

Weiss then disappears from view, and Blake then appears.

"Yang?" Blake calls out.

Suddenly, an environment manifests, showing a path leading to a castle in the distance. The sound of a woman humming can be heard throughout the area.

"Once upon a time, there stood a lonely tower..." Jinn narrates.

Smoke envelopes around Blake and Qrow appear where she was position. He looks behind him as the castle was then formed.

"...that sheltered a lonely girl."

A young beautiful woman sitting in front of a mirror then makes her appearance. Then Ruby is then seen walking up to her.

"Named... Salem.." Jinn narrated before the scenery changes.

Blue smoke appears, revealing Salem staring from her window of the tower, her arms crossed. The sound of feminine humming can be heard in the background.

Jinn continues her narration, "...Locked away by her cruel father, Salem was a girl who desired but one thing: freedom."

Salem walks away with sadness by her cruel fate as Ruby Rose watches her do so when Salem passed by her as if she never notices him.

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