TCOR Shorts: Little Moments (Canon)

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I know! I know! I know of you expect a new chapter, it will come out soon! So don't worry. Enjoy the One-shot, though.

~Location: Patch, a Week After is accepted to the Rose/Xiao Long family~
~(D/N) POV~

You know... there are those moments that I ask myself... why did I even bother being a servant to a family, than be free from servitude?

I would explain further, but right now Mistress Ruby, is about to unpin a Grenade she found in the backyard, fortunately I was there keeping an eye on her, while Yang was training with Tai.

"RUBY! DON'T UNPIN THAT!" I frantically shouted as I sprinted towards a 5 year old Ruby, who was about to unpin a grenade.


Before I could reach Ruby. The entire scene froze.

"Who knows why fate led me to being a care taker to the Rose/Xiao Long Family that day..." (D/N) narrates to the audience (you, the readers).

The scene then shows a frame of 5 year old Ruby hugging the B1 Battle Droid by the leg, while he pats her head.

"...Maybe it was because of my fucking programming..."

Then the frame shows 5 year old Ruby laughing at (D/N) when a corgi puppy peed on his feet, while (D/N) looks annoyed.

"...or my innate courage?"

Then multiple frames are shown about my misfortune moments.

"...or my valiant or amazing way of-"

Then the frame shows the time Ruby and Yang pranked me while I was cleaning which leaves a bigger mess to clean, or the time I has prevented Yang from touching a sharp knife while I was cooking their dinner.

"OKAY! WHO IS IN CHARGE WITH THE FREEZE FRAMES!?!" I shouted at the Author, BattleDroid1106.

As the last frame stops with me trying to feed Ruby broccoli, while the 5 year old silver eyed girl whine and resisted which ends with a broccoli thrown at my face.

"Sorry..." BattleDroid1106 apologized.

"Anyhow...keeping eye on Ruby and Yang is a cinch..." (D/N) continue to narrate.

Then I carry Ruby back to house, while I lightly scold her about unpinning the Grenade.

"...then came in... the really scary part..."

~3rd POV~
~Timeskip: Two Weeks after he was brought in the Rose/Xiao Long Family~

It is night, around 3:00 AM. In the house of Rose/Xiao Long family, (D/N) is folded as he is in sleep mode in the living room. He was recharging soundingly, until his audio receptors heard a feminine voice.

"(D/N)? (D/N)!" Ruby whispers loud, as (D/N) activates and raise his head and looks at the 5 year old girl.

"Huh? Mistress Ruby, What is it?" (D/N) asked, in a groggily tone.

"(D/N), I need to go!" Ruby said trying hold something in.

"Go? Go where?" (D/N) asked confused.

"You know... go... bad!" Ruby said, as she is trying to it in, until realization hits (D/N).

"Oh, go! Why didn't you say so?" (D/N) realized, before unfolding himself and picking up Ruby, "Come on, let's go!"

Then The Battle Droid ran across the hallway while carrying Ruby, and muttering, "When you gotta go, you gotta go..."

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