Chapter 21: I Can't Find A Reason

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Such a pity that the girl who was hit by an opponent was not yet disqualified in the match. Luckily, Layla has a sign that has this power hidden inside of her and it was really awfully strange for so long being a victim yet a monster in her life that she was able to find peace from someone that kept her going. 

"Goku?Anyone?" Layla called out into the darkness that surrounded her.

"What a weakling you are that should have never been born! Your life as a hideous creature is a waste of breath and energy from your father is useless!" She heard a familiar voice to see a memory of her brutal mother trashing her as if she were a non-living thing.

"M-Mom....I didn't-"

"Shut up! Get away from me; this is the last time you'll ever see me again. I can't find a reason why I should have kept you and not let you die for any greater thing at all. No...If...If ONLY YOU WERE NOT ALIVE!"  Her mother's cry in pure hatred had sentence her to the edge of death of being hung up by a tight rope trying to break free from suffocating and eventually died in the little girls eyes. 

Tears, yes tears burned Layla's eyes as she quivered by any chance of thinking that her mother's words were true and not a lie. A monster is what she is in the inside and outside. Who could ever be lucky enough to be with her unless that someone was to lend into her heart. A vision was brought back again that signal her to look up to see Goku and the other's standing there innocently as they reach out for her saying, "Your not alone anymore, Layla. We're there for you whenever your there for us." For the longest time she thought to herself that she was a burden or threat that change her fate into a well existing rate where she was needed. A smile was formed on her face and her eyes lit up as the light brighten her sight to cause her to awaken a new chance to become a better and convenient being than she was before. Her true name was Black Widow.

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