You're Dead, Shen Wei!!

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"Fuck! Shen Wei! Get off me you jerk! Hei Pao Shi!" Zhao Yunlan tried to shove the rigid and cold body above him to no avail.

Cold sweat drenched on his skin; is he dead? even his breath was absent, and his skin was as white as paper. When he tried to search for his jugular vein, Zhao Yunlan couldn't find it.

And what's more, to his total embarrassment, Shen Wei was stil sitting inside of him, that-that-that thing didn't lessen in size and rendered him unable to move.

Zhao Yunlan's face was like a ripened tomato, their bodies was entangled to one another intimately without any gaps between them.

The poor gangster king pooled his concentration, recollecting his previous power generating energy, and he felt something warm radiated from the core of his body.

He closed his eyes, embracing the (dead?) body above him, and kiss the pale lips gently. His tongue brushed over the cold as ice lips, and slipped inside the cold cavity.

I must be crazy. This is what you get from loving a ghost king..

Slowly, the body above him was getting warmer. Shen Wei's heart was beginning to beat softly, and in a moment it's beat gradually becomes steadier.

The long lashes on his beautiful almond shape eyes quivered for a while before it fanned up and slowly opened itself for Zhao Yunlan to see.

The usual dark orbs were meeting Zhao Yunlan's searching irises, and the moment Shen Wei realized in what state they were in, his face looked like it was boiled in hot oil.

He got panicked, beads of perspiration oozed his natural pine fresh body scent. "Zhao...Zhao Yunlan...i...i...what did i do?"

Zhao Yunlan could only laugh dryly, and pointed at their still entangled bodies.

"Babe, you should do something about that first." He smirked at Shen Wei.

The other boy tried to move out from his beloved (victim?) but then realized that he couldn't. Nervously, he moved his body so he could see the problem.

"'m too nervous to keep my self at bay." He scratched his neck, which color represent that of a beautifully bloomed peony.

"Shen Wei, take it out or you won't see me ever again in this century." Zhao Yunlan drilled a hole into Shen Wei's soul, and it was effectively shrinked him to the size of a button.


After their illogical whatever encounter they had last night, Zhao Yunlan was miraculously getting so much better.

His skin, which was as pale as a chalk, return to it's original milky white color. His energy had reach it's supreme vitality, he didn't know how to describe it.

But everything had a side effect, and Zhao Yunlan had to endure it for the rest of the day.

"Shen Wei, help me walk downstairs." Zhao Yunlan literally ordered the poor guy, and Shen Wei obediently comply to him. He put Zhao Yunlan's arm around his neck and started to walk.

"Shen Wei, feed me the dinner please?" And the said guy would happily spoon fed him with a nervous smile on his face.

But among all of that servant-master relationship, lays hidden meaning to it.

"Are you alright, A Lan? still hurt?" Shen Wei asked Zhao Yunlan with a worried expression mixed with great guilt.

"You think? how could you be so cruel to your baobei? given into consideration that it was my first time, you were so cruel to me. And yes that hurts!" Zhao Yunlan sulked, a little exaggerating but still contain the truth.

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