Hei Pao Shi's Robe is Changed (1)

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It was a very fine day in the life of a Huang Taizi, Shen Wei. Everything he asked for, he got it. And most importantly, he had what he wanted the most; Zhao Yunlan, his one and only beloved, is now sleeping beside him in his deep slumber, in his bedroom.

Oh yes, he wanted to scream, he wanted to shout, he wanted to proclaim to the three realms that he had this mighty god in his embrace.

Finally, after an eternity had passed, after all the troubles they had been through, all those sacrifice and bloody battle, his Zhao Yunlan was able to sleep in his bosom without any hindrance.

He pulled the blanket which covering their bodies up, remembering what happened yesterday, and smiled goofily.

A rosy color crept from his neck to his whole face, he bit his lips and took a glance at his sleeping lover, not believing what had took place.



Late, very late at night when Shen Wei's room was knocked softly from the outside.

He was doing his homework, and he didn't expect anyone would came to his room in this ungodly hour of 3 o'clock in the night.

Shen Wei liked to do his homework very late at night, partly because he was a ghost king in his previous life and although he's already becoming celestial being now, he still couldn't let go of his old habit. And another thing is he liked the peaceful environment to concentrate on his work.

He got up from his chair and heading to the door, and when he opened it, he was facing a very adorable thing he had seen that day.

Zhao Yunlan was looking at him through his glassy, teary, big brown eyes. His hair was in disarray, it was like a bird nest above his head. His cheeks was flushed, he looked like he was about to burst out crying.

"I..can't sleeepp!!! i've already count the sheep until it reached over a million but still can't sleep!!" Zhao Yunlan looked so dejected and sad, he was clutching on the pillow in his embrace like his life depended on it.

Shen Wei almost couldn't contain his laugh when he look at the pitiful state Zhao Yunlan was in. Zhao Yunlan wasn't the type of man who sleep for a long period of time, he's a light sleeper, but he never had a trouble sleeping. He must have something in his mind which prevented him from having a good rest.

"Come in."

After they were both seated, the older boy who sat right beside Zhao Yunlan by the corner of the bed looking at the baffled boy.

"Care to tell me what's in your mind?" Shen Wei asked him softly.

Zhao Yunlan lifted his eyes to meet the beautiful lake belonged to Shen Wei, and bit his nail nervously.

"I..i...nevermind..." He bowed his head, concentrating on the white sheet in his grasp.

"Zhao Yunlan..." he pat his shoulder, assuring him as well as empowering him.

"It's your fault...you make me thinking about ...about...uh...am i....am i no longer a virgin right now?" Zhao Yunlan's face turned the color of cinnabar.

His heart skipped a beat hearing that statement came from that plump lips.

Zhao Yunlan, you're a fool...

Shen Wei smiled, and put his arms around the boy next to him. He forgot, they were just a high school boys anyway, Zhao Yunlan might not understand this type of relationship yet, although he had awaken his inner Kunlun inside him.

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