Move to the dragon lair

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Ye Zun look at the peaceful sight in front of him and had a very grave question in his heart.

How did Zhao Yunlan got here in the first place? His pendant clearly showed that something bad had happened to Zhao Yunlan, how could he'd be safe and sound now?

Ye Zun observed the boy closely, trying to figure out if anything should go wrong.

An occasional soft sigh was coming from the slightly parted lips, a lips which looked so soft and full, as if it was inviting him to come and visit them.

Dearly, Ye Zun rearrange the rebel hair on Zhao Yunlan's face. Had Kunlun still around, Ye Zun would admire his long black hair which flew freely as the wind blow, he often day dreaming about what does it feels to touch those long silky hair in his hands.

His fingers lingered a while longer on Zhao Yunlan's hair which was similarly (or the same?) soft with the one of Kunlun, and felt so blessed.

"Zhao Yunlan...i failed to protect you, i won't fail again next time.." The boy with a silver hair clenched his jaw. Guilt written painfully on his face.

He was always one step behind his brother, he wonder if Shen Wei grew an ability to have a soul eyes which could penetrates Zhao Yunlan's soul.

That sleeping face was very alluring. How could Ye Zun held back his desire to touch, to caress the face of someone he had been secretly in love for thousand of years?

He always thought that all he felt was the abundant love to his brother and the feeling of being rejected by his one and only kin, but if he look at the bottom of his heart, it was always there, looming secretly inside of him.

The innocent love belonged to an innocent boy.

But he never able to reach him, forever....

He refused to let any tears fell from his eyes, as he hovered on top of Zhao Yunlan, inhaling him, slowly closing their gap, then like the touch of a butterfly brushed his lips above the inviting lips.

Zhao Yunlan shifted in his sleep, his lips quivered and kissed him back tenderly. He must've mistaken him with Shen Wei.

Ye Zun didn't really care. He had waited for this moment for a long time, and he was going to make the most of it.

The lips Zhao Yunlan offered was too precious to get by, he took the offer eagerly.

His hands cupped Zhao Yunlan's both sides of the face, positioned him for a more favorable access, and kissed him tenderly.

Ye Zun closed his eyes as he felt the silkiness of that velvety surface, his tongue slipped easily into the warm cavity and for a moment, for a moment his soul was blessed with heaven.

His heart pounded like crazy as he entwined his tongue with Zhao Yunlan's, the other party was wantonly let him drown in his pleasure.

Zhao Yunlan moaned slightly in his deep sleep, clearly dreaming of something else, but Ye Zun wasn't paying any attention to whatever he was dreaming.

He ventured deeper, not leaving any single thing untouched inside that sweet mouth. He felt himself growing hot from an abundant sensation, it was one way road for him.

So be it, Zhao's your fault for making me crazy all this time...i'll take whatever you've got to offer.

He continued assaulting Zhao Yunlan until he was out of breath and the boy beneath him started to frown from lack of air.

Gently, he retracted from kissing his lips and saw that the lips he had left was swollen, he smirked under his gaze.

Zhao Yunlan stirred for a while, his long and thick eye lashes fluttered before it opened slowly.

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