Emmas POV

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The carnival was actually very busy. People around every turn. Turn one way and there would be some annoying 10 year old screaming at his mom to buy him a hot dog. Turn another way and you would see a teenage couple making out behind the dunking booth.

I struggled to sift through the crowd of people to find someone who looked remotely my age, or friendly. I just decided to go stand in line for a ride. Maybe someone will notice me.

I stood in line and no one batted an eyelash at me. I waited till I got to the front of the line, and then got irritated when no one would ride with me. I turned to go, but a hand turned me back around.

"Get in," the boy said. He was tall, blonde, had a sleeve of tattoos on each arm, a lip ring, and seemed to have that, " better than you," attitude about him.

"Let go," I said.

He pushed me into the seat of the Ferris wheel, and sat down next to me. The attendant buckled us in, and turned on the ride.

"You're welcome would be nice," he said as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Who are you anyway?" I said.

"Luke Hemmings." He said pulling out a package of menthols from his pants pocket. He clicked his lighter and casually puffed from his cancer stick. I snorted.

"What's so funny?" He mumbled, the cigarette hanging out of his mouth.

"Oh nothing. It's just hilarious that you think YOURE THE SHIT, when really it's probably all an act." He rolled his eyes.

"You've got guys little girl. No one has ever said anything like that to me. At least not since the last time someone stood up to me. Poor guy was hospitalized for at least a month."

"Mhmm sure. And don't call me "little girl." I'm 16." I snapped back.

"Well then what should I call you?" He said blowing smoke from his nostrils.

"I'm Emma. Emma Johnson. "

"Well Emma Johnson, are you here alone?" He said flicking up the cap on his lighter. He was trying to do a lighter trick.

"Yes. My mom and I moved here like an hour or two ago."

He put his arm around me. I tried to shift away, but it was rather cold and his arm around me felt nice. Also, the seat was small.

"Well," he mumbled through the cigarette in his mouth, "why don't you stick with me? I'll show you my friends. You're cool."

I looked at him. Did this tall, handsome, surprisingly charming, smartass of a guy just ask me to hang out with him?

"Sure. Whatever." I said casually.

The ride came to a halt. The attendant cut eyes at Luke.

"Hemmings, I've told you five times today. No smoking on the rides."

Luke stood up, and placed his hand on the attendants arm. "And I've told you five times today, that I don't care." Luke assisted me up, and wrapped an arm around me.

"Let's go before we get kicked out of here," I said.

"Nah, they won't do nothing. They won't mess with me." He said bodly as he puffed again on his menthol.

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