Emmas POV

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As Calum and I walked, I could see the red in his cheeks. He definitely seemed to be the timid one of the group. The sweetheart. Not my type.

"So are you and Luke, you know-" he stuttered.

"Oh no, he found me in the carnival. He told me I was cool. So I assumed tht meant he wanted to be friends."

Calum clenched his hands. "Oh okay. And sorry if he is a little, um, well, sorry he's such a dick. He's really not that bad once you get to know him."

I laughed. At least he was straight up.

"So you and Luke are really good friends?" I asked.

"Been best mates since middle school. He's a good guy, he's just had a rough life. He's had to toughen up." Calum said slightly hanging his head.

"I really feel bad for him. He used to be so carefree. So sweet and innocent. So nice. And now the poor bloke gets in bar fights and bedrooms faster than I can kick a futbol. It's sad." Calum continued. I could feel the burden he felt for him. It was almost heartbreaking.

I had an idea. It was devious, cruel, and selfish. But it really wasn't THAT bad. I would date Calum to get to Luke. I knew Luke had a thing for me. A guy like that didn't just take every girl on a Ferris wheel ride and then invite her to hang out. So I would date Calum to make Luke jealous. Maybe even play a little hard to get. And then, one day, I would dump Calum and end up with Luke. It was a very bitchy move, but it would work.

Calum sat down on the sand. I sat close to him. I shivered. I wasn't cold, though. He put his arm around me. I snuggled up. I drew in the sand next to me. Calum rubbed my arm with his fingers. He was warm. Like, really warm. And he smelled good.

"Hey, " Calum whispered. I looked into his eyes. I knew where this was going. He leaned in. Play it cool, Emma.

I leaned in a little, to find his lips waiting to meet mine. He had soft lips. Kissable lips. He kissed me softly. He pulled away. Then I leaned back in and so did he.

He kissed me a little rougher. I felt his tongue pleading for entry into my mouth. I opened my mouth a little, and let him do the rest. I knew how to kiss, just not well. But he was a good kisser, so I didn't worry too much. I just tried to mimic his movements. He tasted so sweet. He cradled the side of my face in his hands. He pulled away. He smiled. And so did I.

"Would you be so kind as to be my girlfriend?" He said. Looks like he had a newfound confidence.

I nodded my head and giggled. He laughed and intertwined his fingers with mine. He kissed my cheek, and stood up. He helped me up, and asked for my phone.

He clicked a number in, and then saved it. And then he did that another three times. He couldn't stop smiling.

"I put all of our numbers in your phone." We started walking back up to the bonfire. I wonder if anyone saw us.

As we rejoined the group, he was greeted with clapping from Ashton and Michael. Luke just sat there.

"Well done lad," Ashton laughed. I cut my eyes to Luke. He looked away. But the fury in his eyes was burning bright.

Mission accomplished.

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