Emmas POV

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The attendant continued to spit out curses at Luke as we walked away. Luke came to the end of his cigarette, spit the butt out, and pulled out his wallet.

"You hungry?" He asked.

"No not really." I said. I completely lied. I was starving. But I was extremely self conscious of my weight.

"Yes you are," he said. "I know you're hungry. I can tell. I can hear your stomach. Just eat."

I felt my cheeks filling with blood. "O-okay," I stuttered. Luke turned to the attendant at the food stand.

"A hot dog for the lady, and a slice of pizza for me." He flicked out a 5 and handed it to the man. "Thank you," the man said.

"Keep the change," Luke said. The man raised his eyebrows. So did I. That was a big tip.

Luke handed me my hot dog and locked arms with me. "Come on, let's go find my friends."

We hiked away from the carnival, heading towards the beach. The sun had completely set by now, and the night air was really chilly.

"HEY LUCAS," a tall brown headed boy yelled. "Get your ass over here!"

"That's Calum. He's very, happy." Luke said laughing. I laughed too. His laugh was sexy.

"Oy! Where ya been?" A boy with purple hair said as we approached the bonfire.

"Oh see Mikey, he's been picking up girls." Another boy said from across the fire pit.

"Hi there. I'm Ashton." The boy said. He smiled. He had a very cute smile. He was obviously the polite one.

"Yeah I'm Michael," said the other boy. He seemed kind of cocky.

"I'm Emma. Nice to meet you."

Luke plopped down in a lawn chair next to Ashton. I continued to stand. I felt kind of awkward amongst these four hot Australian guys.

"Luke don't be rude, offer her a seat." Calum said smiling at me.

Luke gestured towards me, and patted his lap. I felt my cheeks turn red again. I walked toward him, and sat down on his lap. I heard him chuckle.

"I'm sorry if he is making you uncomfortable," Ashton said.

"Believe it or not he's actually a douche," Michael said laughing.

"Piss off and hand me a beer," Luke said.

Michael opened the cooler beside him and grasped a beer. He tossed it to Luke.

Luke popped the cap off and took a long swig of his drink, before offering it to me.

I accepted. I Had only had a beer once with my dad. And that had been two years ago before he died.

"Light me up," Ashton said with a cigarette hanging from his lower lip. Luke kicked his feet up and tossed his lighter to him.

"So," Calum said. "Where you from?"

I relaxed. These guys were chill. "I'm from the States. We moved to Sydney a few hours ago."

I felt Luke pull me back so my back would rest on his chest. I didn't fight him.

"Luke, why so quiet?" Michael asked.

Luke grunted and took another drink. "What am I supposed to say?" I felt him tighten his grip on me. I struggled to break free.

"Hey how about we go walk on the beach?" Calum asked me.

"Erm, why not?" I said. I had no interest in Calum. He would be a good friend, but I only said yes because I wanted to make Luke jealous. That boy was walking, breathing sex. Breathtaking. His shitty attitude was sexy. I liked bad boys. And Luke Hemmings was the best definition of a bad boy I could picture in my head.

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