Fridge blockade

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"He who be'ith worthy shall wield the 'all mighty' hammer, come on, what's the secret, Thor?" Clint questioned as he eyes down Thor's hammer which sat innocently in front of the fridge door. It was currently early morning in Avengers Tower where most of the current Avengers were residing.

Loki, his trickster brother, had insisted on Thor placing his hammer there in order to restrict access to the fridge. Thor loved his brother, but he also loved the (mostly) harmless tricks he played. They were both standing against the wall by the fridge, watching as Clint attempted to lift Mjolnir who hadn't moved an inch from its initial resting place.

"What's going on?" Tony asked as he stepped into the foyer with his crisp, black suit on, ready to start the day with a morning coffee. He, like many of the towers other occupants, had trouble operating without a morning cup of coffee. Unfortunatly, Thor's hammer stood in the path as the milk lay inside the currently unopenable fridge.

"Thor won't let us into the fridge," Clint replied annoyed, pointing to Mjolnir on the ground.

"Move the hammer Thor, I need the milk," Tony asked as several other Avengers file into the room, each one piecing together the situation that was quickly unfolding.

"By all means, go ahead," Thor replied, a cheeky smile on his face as he finished off his own mug of coffee and placed it in the sink.

Tony huffed.

"Fine, but when I lift this, I can rule Asgard?" Tony shot back, a small grin appearing on his face.

"Of course," Thor replied much to Loki's disbelief.

"Well it's simple physics, obviously," Tony started before wrapping his right hand around the handle before proceeding to put his full strength into lifting Mjolnir. "Alright, alright," Tony summoned an arm off of his latest, strongest, Ironman suit before activating the thrusters. It was futile, however, for as hard as he tried, Tony couldn't lift the hammer.

"Looks like you're not worthy, Tony," Sam pointed out causing Clint to laugh.

"And you are?" Clint shot back, hoping to see Sam fail. Sam simply shrugged before walking over to the hammer, with a supportive thumbs up from Steve. Sam put his hands over the handle and proceeded to pull with all his might. Unfortunaly, it wasn't enough.

"Alright Steve, you're up," Sam grinned as he cruised over to Steve and clapped him on the back.

"I, well alright then," Steve gave in, "but I won't be able to lift-"

"Quit stalling spangles I want my coffee," Tony interrupted causing a murmur of agreement from the other occupants of the room, minus Loki and Thor of course. Steve stood in front of Mjolnir, both hands gripping the handle tightly.

Thor watched as the hammer shifted slightly to the right. No one else had noticed as Thor's smile dipped, unsure of what to think of Steve's ability. Fortunately for Thor, Steve backed away, shaking his head at the 'unmoveable' object.

"Don't know how you do it Thor, thing weighs a ton," Steve replied much to Thor's relief.

"Didn't move an inch," Thor grinned back happily. It was at that time that Peter decided to enter the kitchen, far too sleep deprived to take notice of his surroundings as he grabbed a box of cereal. Natasha was lounging on the island with her own box of cereal, eating out of the box shamelessly as she watched the men attempt to prove themselves. It was a shame Wanda and Vision were not currently in the tower, Wanda might have been able to move Mjolnir with her magic.

"Bruce cmon, bring out the big guy," Tony pushed Bruce forward causing him to stumble towards the hammer as Peter filled a bowl with cereal and put the box back.

"Okay, okay," Bruce shook his limbs out. Placing his hands on the hammer, he grunted as he pulled upwards. Mjolnir refused to move, causing Bruce to let go with an un-hulk-like shout as he hadn't turned into the big green guy as Tony hoped he would. The Avengers laughed at his antics, secretly relieved they didn't have a code green.

Peter, oblivious to the ruckus, walked over to the fridge and attempted to open the door only to realise it was blocked. In his tired state, Peter huffed, lifting the hammer with ease and raiding the fridge for milk.

"What-wh-" Tony spluttered as Sam choked on air, both rubbing their eyes to make sure they were not hallucinating.

"I don't understand? How?" Sam asked as Natasha and Steve beamed. Thor himself was unsure of how to react, he couldn't be mad at the young child of course. Instead, a surge of pride streaked through him as he watched Peter finish pouring the milk and place it in the fridge. He then dropped the hammer back on the ground where it was originally placed.

"Wait no! Peter! I want the milk!" Tony shouted as Peter looked up confused, a spoonful of cereal in his mouth.

"Thn' grb-t?" Peter answered incoherently as Sam and Bruce came over to the still confused kid.

"The milk, the milk, we need the milk!" Clint screamed from the kitchen as he sent an annoyed glare at Thor.

"You shall not bother the worthy!" Thor shouted as Peter continued to eat his cereal.

"Um, okay then" Peter replied before retiring to his room much to the Avengers resent.

"So, does that mean he rules Asgard now?"

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