Worst Presentation Ever

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"Peter, your presentation please." The teacher beckoned Peter to the front of the classroom, allowing Peter to insert his flash drive into the teacher's computer. With a deep breath, Peter pressed play on the first clip.

"What's this kid? Another one of your vlog thingies?" Tony asked, gesturing to the camera in Peter's hands as he worked on his suit.

"No no, it's for class. We have to do a presentation on what our life is like, and y'know, Stark Internship is part of my life," Peter shrugged, "plus Ned dared me to do this."

"Well you tell Ned I'm going to file a lawsuit against him, and hi Peter's class," Tony grinned and waved at the camera with a spanner in his hands, "Peter's my best intern, a literal angel, love having him on the team." Peter groaned before flipping the camera around.

"Yeah, I like, intern here and stuff and Mr Stark is really cool and nice," Peter started as he walked out of the lab, bidding goodbye to his mentor. "I help out with projects and stuff, build things with Mr Stark. Also-"

"Peter!" Clint screamed as he crashed out of the vents, causing Peter to drop the camera. Usually, his spidey-sense would help him out but apparently not.

"Go away I'm filming!" Peter moaned as a smirk spread over Clint's lips.

"Filming? Doing a little video-log for your friends?" Clint grabbed his camera and raced down the hall, the footage going blurry as they both thundered through the compound.

"Quit running birdface! Trying to fu-" Natasha started before being cut off by Steve.


"I didn't have much time to edit sorry, so I'll just click the next clip," Peter apologised as the class stared gobsmacked.

"You actually know Tony Stark?" Abraham voiced.

"Um, yeah," Peter affirmed before quickly changing files, starting the next video.

"Hey Happy, want to say something to my class?" Peter leaned forward in his seat, thrusting the camera eagerly in front of Happy's face.

Happy, who had parked the car, turned to the camera with a dead pan expression. "Do you need me to show you the door?"

Peter rolled his eyes before turning the camera around to face him, "Happy is always like that, anyway, bye Happy." Peter waved goodbye as he stepped out of the car and slung his back pack over his shoulder. The sleek black car zoomed off immediatly and Peter smiled.

"This is my building, it's pretty cool, I live with my Aunt May and she's really nice but she can't cook that well." As Peter opened the door to his apartment, he couldn't help but recoil at the burning smell that attacked his nostrils.

"Urgh May, what - what happened?" Peter asked as he coughed on the smoke floating through the apartment. "Awh is this dinner?"

"It's your dinner, you get to eat that and I'm going to go get Thai," May laughed, "No I'm joking, how was your day? Is that a camera?"

"It was good, I've got a project to show my class like my daily life I guess," Peter explained.

"Well can I just say then, Peter's class, that if any of you-"

Peter quickly paused the video to avoid embarrassment. May knew Peter was getting bullied and wanted to send a message to whoever was responsible. He hurriedly clicked on the next clip as Flash taunted him from across the classroom.

"Guy's who cares if he knows Tony Stark, Parker's just a nerd with no parents," Flash stated as the class shot him confused looks.

"But he knows Tony Stark," One of Flash's friends pointed out, "That's pretty cool."

"Yeah honestly, that was a low blow Flash," Someone criticised from across the classroom.

"Whatever, it's not like he knows Spiderman," Flash grumbled unhappily.

"No pilot, that's awesome," Peter flashed his camera towards the empty cockpit before taking a seat on the plane by Happy.

"Wait wait, wrong clip," Peter hurriedly pressed the forward button in his haste to close the video.

"No one's actually told me why we're in Berlin, something about Captain America going crazy," Peter spun in a circle with his arms out, showcasing the city around him before a cutscene showed him walking into an expensive hotel.

"No no no, no no," Peter furiously mashed several buttons.

"Dude you went to Berlin? So cool, so so cool," Ned remarked as Peter shot him a look that said 'not the time.'

"Okay, there's Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow. Who's that new guy?" Peter quickly explained the scene unfolding.

"Underoos!" Tony yelled into the air causing Peter to perk up.

"Oh, that's me. I gotta go. I gotta go," Peter quickly pulled down his Spiderman mask and set the camera down, flipping into action. He easily pulled Captain America's shield from his grip as he flipped over him, webbing his hands together. "Hey, everyone."

"Nice job kid," Tony nodded in approval much to Peter's excitement.

"Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's... just the new suit... Well, it's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's-It's perfect, thank you," Peter rambled before saluting Captain America nervously.

"Shit shit shit shit shit," Peter swore, he was lucky Steve wasn't around to chastise him for his language but at the moment he didn't care - his secret was out. The class was transfixed as the events of the fight continued to play on the screen however Peter couldn't stop it. His frantic button-mashing from before had made the computer buttons stall.

"You're Spiderman! How? What!" A kid from the back of the class piped up.

"Is this stuff coming out of you?"  Sam, the Falcon, remarked as he watched Peter shoot web after web. " And I don't know if you've ever been in a fight before... There's never usually this much talking."

"All right, sorry, my bad," Peter apologised, "I just came here to impress Mr Stark, so sorry."

"It's fake idiots, there's no way Peter is Spiderman," Flash rolled his eyes, he was a massive fan of Spiderman and Flash did not like the idea of his favourite and least favourite person being the same.

"It was so cool, Mr Stark was all like 'hey Underoos' and then I flipped in and stole cap's shield... and then this tiny dude became big and Cap dropped an aeroplane terminal on me but I'm fine and this dude had a metal arm. It's sooo cool but it wasn't that strong honestly-"

The screen went black as Peter pulled his flash drive out and slammed the computer lid closed, "Mr Stark is going to kill me."

"So, you weren't lying about the stark internship?" Abraham asked in a small voice causing Peter to nod.

"He has more than an internship," Mj voiced.

"You-you're the spiderman?" Flash's friend asked, "oh you're definitely going to get it now Flash."

"So do the webs come out of you?"

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