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"Dude we get to tour the museum and I've never been to the lower labs before!" Peter beamed excitedly as they stepped off the bus outside Avengers Tower.

"I know!" Ned exclaimed in reply, "do you think we can meet Tony Stark? What if we meet Captain America? Do you think he'll let me hold his shield? Is Thor going to be there?"

"Lame, I'd rather see Spiderman to be honest," Mj joked and Peter grinned.

"Same, I don't think we'll see much of him today," Peter feigned sadness.

"See who?" Flash butted in causing the trio to collectively roll their eyes, "like Penis Parker would know anything."

"Alright students, don't forget you are here representing Midtown. First, you'll be introduced to the tour-guide and then you'll be given your security passes," Mr Warren explained before ushering the group through the large glass doors. Peter hadn't been through the entrance many times, much preferring to come through the landing pad. Plus, it was connected to the penthouse floors where Mr Stark's personal lab resided.

Peter's grin matched that of the class, everyone awe-struck as they caught a glimpse into the bustling workplace beyond the security scanners. Across from the group, a larger part of the foyer opened allowing Peter and his classmates to see several expensive materials being pulled through a larger entrance.

"Hi there Midtown," a peppy voice broke through the whispers of the tour group, "my name is Angela and I will be your tour guide today. So first we need to do some mandatory security checks. When I call your name I'd like you to come collect your badge. It will only be activated for today so feel free to keep it at the end of the tour."

"I'm sure you don't need a badge, Penis," Flash taunted as he went up to collect his. He immediately hid his badge, scowling at the horrible I.D. photo printed on the front.

"Ned, Leeds," Angela called and Ned happily collected his badge, "and that will be the last one."

"What are the different boxes for? And how come they all say Delta?" Cindy asked confused as she examined her badge, her thumb placed firmly over the picture.

"Good question, the boxes, if they are coloured, show which areas in the tower you are allowed to access. Since you are visitors you are Delta level which is the lowest and the highest in Alpha. Not many people have Alpha, I only have Omega," Angela answered happily, showing off her own badge that displayed two brightly colored boxes and Omega along the top.

"Peter, why didn't you get a badge?" Ned asked and Peter's eyes widened.

"Dude!" Peter exclaimed before repeating what Ned had said earlier, "I didn't get a badge! Usually, I just walk in so I don't use one but it's going to be suspicious if an intern doesn't need a badge!"

"Calm down," Ned replied, "No one will notice, just ask the guide for a badge."

"Alright kids, when we go through the scanner you won't need to scan your cards, FRIDAY, the AI, does it automatically if you have your badge visible. FRIDAY will also check to see if you are holding any weapons or prohibited items," Angela started to usher students through the scanner and Peter groaned, seeing that Angela had already passed through herself.

"Flash Thompson, Delta," Flash threw a smirk at the class as he strutted through the scanner.

"What happens if you have weapons on you?" Abe asked causing the class to shoot him strange looks. "Just wondering, jeez guys."

"Well, you'll either have to leave your items behind or our security will kick you out," Angela gestured to the security guards around the room, unfortunately not containing Happy.

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