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With golden rays breaking through the penthouse windows, Peter found it impossible to stay asleep. His bedroom was unusually bright for a standard Friday morning. As Peter rolled over onto his side, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion to see his alarm reading 10:24.

"The field trip," Peter gasped as he sat up suddenly and pulled himself out of bed. He promptly fell flat on his face as his legs were tangled in his sheets. Peter thought back to yesterday as he pulled the sheets off himself and stood up. He had been so tired he had forgotten to set the time for his new alarm clock. And where was his backpack? Whenever he was in Stark tower he'd throw his backpack on the table and immediately rush down to the closest lab so it must be on the table outside.

His blue, long sleeve, midtown tech shirt was lying on the floor and Peter quickly pulled it over his bare chest before rushing out of his room. The penthouse, thankfully, was empty. If Pepper had been here then Peter would surely be scolded for being late to school. Tony would simply throw him his 'I'm not angry, just disappointed,' line which always made Peter feel bad. He had done so much for Peter, he had gifted him his latest Spiderman suit and allowed him to stay in Stark tower as May was away on holiday.

"FRIDAY where is my backpack?" Peter asked frantically as he ran around the penthouse checking every nook and cranny he could find since it was not on the table like he had thought.

FRIDAY'S voice quickly echoed through the room, "Your backpack is in R&D lab 47, you left it there after school whilst you were helping James, the intern. I would suggest before you retrie-" 

"Thanks, FRIDAY," Peter beamed as he raced towards the elevator, he quickly pulled on his shoes before smashing the elevator button, "to R&D lab 47." The elevator shot into action and pulled Peter down to the floor the R&D lab was on.

"I must warn you Peter, there is currently a tour group on this floor," FRIDAY warned and Peter shrugged it off as the door opened, walking out to R&D lab 47. Peter quickly opened the door and walked over to the table where he could see his bright blue backpack. His enhanced senses found that the tour group was also inside but Peter knew they probably wouldn't notice him.

"So this is where my hammer has laid rest," Thor's voice boomed, "And hello small warriors." Thor waved to the children who were staring at the Norse god, it wasn't every day you meet the God Of Thunder.

"Oh my gosh it's Thor, look at his muscles," Cindy swooned as MJ rolled her eyes.

"Yes, my name is Thor, God Of Thunder," Thor greeted, "And this is Mjolnir, only those who are worthy can lift my hammer."It was at this moment that Peter had reached the table, barely muttering a greeting to Thor as the class stood with their jaws dropped.

"Peter what are you doing here? You weren't on the bus?" Ned asked, "Wait you know Thor, that is so so so cool, can you get me a picture with him?"

"Ned what are doing he- oh hi Mr Warren," Peter paused, suddenly self-conscious, Peter couldn't believe he was late to a field trip to Stark Tower. Of course, it was just his luck.

"I'm terribly sorry, Mr God Of Thunder, this is a student of mine who has snuck into the tower, he won't bother you anymore," Mr Warren sent Peter a sharp glare causing him to flinch. "Peter go back to the bus."

"Wait no- Mr Warren I-I am here on the internship," Peter quickly explained.

"Your dumb internship is fake Parker, and where're your pants?" Flash taunted as the class started laughing, Peter looked down and much to his horror - he had no pants on. His face went red with embarrassment, in his rush Peter had somehow forgotten to wear pants. How does someone forget to wear pants?

"I'm afraid Flash is right, this lie of yours has gone too far-" Mr Warren started but was quickly cut off by Thor.

"Ah Peter, is this group of young warriors your class? I see you have decided to show some masculinity by not wearing your pants on this fine morning," Thor spoke causing Peter to slump down further, his face going impossibly redder.

"Y-yeah, um, I just came for my backpack," Peter explained before leaning over the table and tugging on the blue strap of his bag, frowning when he saw it was caught on some sort of metal object. Peter quickly grabbed the object and slung his bag over his shoulder as the class gasped in awe. 

Ned promptly started to choke on air causing Mj to start rubbing his back soothingly. Flash was livid, how would Peter be able to lift Thor's hammer, Mjolnir? Peter could not be worthy, it had to be a skit or an act. 

"You are worthy young warrior!" Thor beamed happily, "one day you may rule Asgard and lead our finest warriors into battle."

"W-what? No I-" Peter looked down at his hand to see he was holding Mjolnir. "What, oh that's so cool, I - wait what!" Peter's shock was enough for him to drop the hammer straight onto his foot and he gasped in pain. Mjolnir quickly flew into Thor's hand.

"You-you're worthy enough to rule Asgard? Dude, I wish I could do that!" Ned exclaimed, gushing over Peter's ability.

"It's fake, obviously," Flash replied, boredom lacing his tone.

"You dare accuse Mjolnir of being a fake!" Thunder growled outside as Flash paled, visibly shaking in fear as the Norse God shouted in front of him, "you are nothing but a mortal."

"I'm s-so s-sor-ry," Flash stuttered out as his friends stepped away from him.

The thunder outside ceased, "I accept your apology, mortal, do not make the same mistake."

"I um, Mr Warren," Peter pulled a crumpled up piece of paper out of his bag, "here's the field trip slip."

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