Double Life

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"Hey, kid" Tony called from the other side of the lab whilst keeping an eye on DUM-E who was attempting to move lab equipment.

"Yeah, Mr Stark?" Peter answered, spinning around in an office chair with a chemistry book in his hands, "what's up?"

"Do you think you can drop by the tower tomorrow and answer a few questions? There's a school tour-group coming but Cap and Nat can't come round, plus, Thor's in Asgard doing something. Never know with that guy," Tony asked the teenager, he knew that Peter would be there. Of course he would, Peter would jump off a building if Tony asked, not that he would. 

"Yeah, I can swing by Mr Stark," Peter replied quickly, excited to help out his mentor, "What time?"

"About 1:30-2:00, the group comes in at 12 and they'll do a Q&A plus a little 'meet an avenger' thing to keep them interested, you know?" Tony grinned, relieved that Peter would most likely be able to help out.

"Mr Stark, I've got school," Tony's face dropped, "Plus, I'm not even an avenger yet."

"Schools not that important kid, plus-" Tony stood up, walking towards Peter. He tapped his fore-finger on each of Peter's shoulders in a knighting action, "you're an avenger now kid."

"OhmygodthankyouMrStark," Peter all but squealed in excitement, "I can come, I'll be there, as Spiderman the avenger." Peter bid Tony goodbye before rushing home to prepare himself for a night of patrolling and sleeping. He knew he was forgetting something, but he couldn't quite place his finger on what that was exactly. Not only that, Peter decided that he would wait to tell Ned and Mj the news tomorrow. That he was an avenger now.

After a long night, he finally let sleep overtake him.

The morning came too fast for Peter, he still couldn't quite grasp the fact that he, Peter Parker, was an avenger. Peter quickly pulled on his Spiderman suit before covering it with a long shirt, jeans and shoes. Peter was lucky it was starting to near winter so he didn't have to risk overheating in his suit and clothing.

"Bye Aunt May," Peter yelled through the apartment as he tugged his backpack onto his shoulder and grabbed an apple which was ready to consume. Peter wouldn't hear Aunt May's reply as he darted out the door and out onto the streets of Queens. It wasn't a long walk to Midtown Tech, the greatest STEM school in the area. Ned was already waiting outside for him, looking as impatient and excited as ever.

"Dude, I can't wait, today is going to be great," Ned beamed as Peter joined him. They stepped into the crowded hallways decked with students dawdling with stacks of textbooks in their arms.

"Today is definitely a great day," Peter replied with the same level of enthusiasm, "I'm an avenger now Ned, one of earth's mightiest heroes!"

"No way," Ned all but whisper-shouted back.

"Yes way!" Peter shot back excitedly, "he was all like 'hey we want to do a meet the avenger thing for this group coming in tomorrow you should be there.' Then I was like 'but I'm not even an avenger' so he made me an avenger."

"That is so cool," Ned said in a dazed fashion, "but I still can't believe that we are going to Stark tower today. I get to see where you do all your avenger things. And, we get to see Tony Stark."

"Wait, what?" Peter shouted confused, disbelief washing over him.

"You didn't forget we have a fieldtrip did you?" Ned asked almost amused.

"That's today?" Peter groaned, "no no no no no."

"Yes yes yes, you can't miss it okay? It starts at 12 so make sure to go to Physics during third," Ned reminded. He definetly didn't want to be going alone, Peter would be able to show and tell him things about the building and Tony Stark that others wouldn't know.

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