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Aron | ???

Wha du yo wun finsd m?

Wh? Nur !

Aro?nn! Noo. ?

CaNttt we jsut chat?

Isam scard


You really spammed me last night!
Good for you, because your SPAM broke my fucking slumber.

I'm so sorry.

I took my sleep medications
but then my mom asked me to
do something on my phone and
I spammed you by mistake.

Which means, I was right on
the top of your chat list!

I— you got that from what I just
said to you!?

I focus on the me parts.

Btw, I'm hungry.

Oh right, that day I saw this hack
on YouTube about how one can
fix their hunger issues.

It's actually really simple.

Really? What was it!?

To eat food ◉‿◉

...very funny.

I think you should treat me...

How close are you to finding me?

I'm as close as the Antarctic
is from my house.

Oh that's a relief— so I promise
you that if you find me, I'll treat
you with whatever you want to eat.

Tempting, I'll focus more then.

Sure XD


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