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Aron | Vivian

Why would you do that?

Do what

Publicly tell the whole school
that you are my lovely girlfriend?

I— I didn't agree???

You didn't disagree either

Pfft, people are giving me looks
Especially Sasha and I'm terrified
for myself.

Don't worry

You know you are famous right,
I'm not sure how people would
take me (pretty unpopular) as
your(pretty popular) girlfriend.

You humbled me over the time XD

And since when did you start
caring about what people said.
I love you and that's should be the
only thing matters.

You're cute

I know <3

But, why are you texting me in
class? Do you want to get it
confiscated or something!?

I just missed you

We met a few minutes ago

I still miss you

I miss you too


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