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" Gosh... ", Vivian said as she sat there sipping on her large glass of coke. Aron picked her up from her house and brought her to this restaurant that was full even though it was way past midnight. In all honesty she has never come to a place like this before.

The music was loud while everyone sat in groups or with a partner.

Vivian quickly looked at the counter to see how long it will take for Aron when she realised that when he comes back, she will have to talk to THE Aron she has only seen from afar.
Aron waved his hands at her as he pointed at the large tray filled with food that he was bringing to the table.

" It's on you. ", He grinned while sitting in front of her.

" I know I promised you a treat for whatever you want but you brought the entire shop on this table ", She exploded at him, forgetting the nervousness that was shrouding her thoughts previously.

Aron laughed as he took one bite from the noodles he picked up with his fork while Vivian sat back sipping on her coke again. Conversation between them flowed more casually than it did while they texted to which Vivian felt at ease. While in Aron's mind, he thought that Vivian was even more bossy and cute in real life.

After an hour of then sitting together, they both noticed Sasha and her group of friends walk into the restaurant but when she saw Vivian, she took a sharp turn and left.

" Things must really be bad between the two of you. ", Aron commented

" It is. ", Vivian looked down so Aron quickly pulled her face up to him.

" Focus on me, okay? Don't think about anyone else for tonight. ", He said sternly and she felt his cheeks warm up. She moved away to hide her cheeks blushing red.


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