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Thankfully Aron still had Vivian's location still saved in his maps so it wasn't very hard for him to quickly start driving towards her.

" Vivian cared. Obviously she cared about me and my dumb ass couldn't read through the texts! I really am so stupid to not realise this before. ", Aron cursed himself as he rode the bike. The crazy wind hitting against his face at how fast he went.

After maybe a good fifteen minutes of ride, he finally saw the location mark reaching the destination and Vivian's house.

" Vivi... ", he whispered out a bit before knocking on the door. He knew her parents were out, the main reason why they had the movie marathon night that day.

No sound came from inside so he knocked again when he heard some very faint footsteps coming down the stairs. He stood back in relief.

The door opened.


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