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Aron | ???

How was your test?

Horrible. I messed up the whole
map dude.

I think I put England
in Asia or something.

[??? sent image]

Anyway, how was yours?

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Anyway, how was yours?

Aced it, again :D

I get jealous of you but then I
remember that you obviously
aren't as cool as me, so it's ok.


Why'd you say that :(

Are you at work right now?

No, I have a horrible stomach ache
because I ate expired chocolate
by mistake.

I mean, it was my fault.

My brother willingly came to me
and gave me a chocolate. My dumb
ass thought he was being a decent
human for once but i was wrong.

It was expired, BY A MONTH!

I love your brother •ᴗ•


Once I stop suffering from diarrhea
I'm coming after you.🔪

[Aron sent image]

Why are you sending mefacebook memes Aron?

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Why are you sending me
facebook memes Aron?


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