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Aron | Sasha


You better reply now!

What is it?

That's better.

Now tell me very clearly,
you wanted to fuck me right?

Let's do it today.

Sasha no! I told you already.

I don't want to hook up anymore.


I have previous plans with
a friend and I'm not cancelling
that to sleep with you.


Just say it's that bitch Vivian
who you like so much.

Sasha, I'm not tolerating
this shit anymore. Bye.

So it is Vivian, the girl you like.

Maybe I do like her, so what?


Do you think Vivian likes you.

To hell with that, do you think
she even cares enough about
you sleeping with me?

Spoiler alert, she doesn't.

And I'm going to take your word
over her? Maybe she isn't the
best at showing her emotions but
I know that she cares about me.

Ah, I see.

Then I'd like to give you a

You tell Vivian that you want to
hook up with me and if she likes
you, she will stop you from coming
and you win this challenge.

But if she asks you to go ahead with
the plan then it means she doesn't
care about you and you loose the

If you win, I'll leave you two alone.
But if you loose, you come to me.



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