Chapter 10

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The bell chimed as the door opened, and Jennie was crouched down before the fridge, cleaning it out as she tried to peer through the glass to see their newest customer. "I'll be right with you."

"Take your time," Jisoo's amused voice drifted towards her across the empty café, and Jennie's head jerked up, and she swore as she bumped it on the edge of the fridge.

Smiling brightly as she watched Jisoo slowly move her cane back and forth, winding through the tables and chairs with a slow caution. "Jisoo."


"What're you doing here?"

"I'm here to see you, of course. I came in to have a look in the record store, and I know you said you were working today so I asked the guy where this place was," Jisoo explained with a small shrug, "I thought I could stick around until you're finished and maybe we could walk home together."

Jennie's face lit up, and she leant on top of the display fridge, watching as Jisoo made it to the counter, just a little to Jennie's right. Shuffling along until she was directly in front of her, Jennie gave her a soft smile, "sounds perfect. Can I get you some tea or coffee while you wait?"

"Uh, sure, I'll just have a tea. Whichever you think is the nicest."

"Ah, that's a lot of faith to have in someone you've known for ... what is it, two months?"

"I'm sure it's well placed," Jisoo smiled.

Letting out a quiet laugh, Jennie walked over towards the till and punched in the price, watching as Jisoo carefully dug out her purse and let her fingers skim over the edges of the notes. She handed one over to Jennie, who let out a quiet laugh, already slipping some of her tip money into the till. "This one's on me."

"Wha- no, no, I've got it," Jisoo insisted.

Jennie let out a snort of laughter, reaching over to curl Jisoo fingers around the dollars, her hand warm beneath her own. "You're trying to pay with a fifty and I don't have any change, so ... I've got it. Besides, with the amount of tea and coffee you make me at your place, it's the least I can do."

Begrudgingly, Jisoo put the cash away and let Jennie come around the counter and lead her over to a table, before she set about making her a pot of hibiscus tea, filling the teacup with boiling water and watching as it slowly turned a deep magenta colour. Stirring in a small amount of honey, Jennie carried it over to Jisoo and set it down before her.

"Hibiscus tea with a little bit of honey," Jennie explained, wiping her hands on the front of her apron as she watched Jisoo hesitantly reach out for the cup, her fingertips gently brushing again the hot china and wrapping around the handle like an anchor, making sure she didn't lose where it was.

"Thank you. I've never tried this one before."

"It's nice - like cranberries - but I like it a little sweeter so ... honey."

Smiling slightly, Jisoo took a small sip, and Jennie turned around and busied herself with wiping some tables over as the watched those slender fingers cup the white teacup so delicately and Jisoo's lips part ever so slightly as she took a sip. It's just an infatuation, Jennie reminded herself, it'll pass. Just get over it; she's your friend. Clearing her throat slightly at the sound of the spoon and saucer clattering as Jisoo put her cup back down, Jennie gave her a strained smile.

"How is it?" she lightly asked, moving further away from the table so she could avert her gaze and finish closing up the shop. If she stood there staring at Jisoo, they'd be there all night. Fetching the broom, Jennie waited for the reply, her stomach tight as she waited for the quiet calmness of Jisoo's voice.

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