Chapter 22

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"Well well well, what time do you call this?" Chaeyoung said when Jennie stepped into the warmth of the house, shedding her raincoat and kicking off her sandy boots.

Jennie felt her cheeks turn red immediately and she sighed as she glanced down the hallway, taking in the sight of Chaeyoung leaning back in a chair, looking right at her with raised eyebrows. She looked far too smug for Jennie's liking, and she was debating whether or not she could sneak upstairs and change her clothes before Chaeyoung started bombarding her with questions, with no such luck.

"So," Chaeyoung said, "you stayed over."

Closing her eyes as she smiled, slowly wandering towards the kitchen, Jennie ducked her head down and rubbed the back of her neck, feeling a little flustered. "I did."


"I love her," Jennie admitted, finding it surprisingly easy to tell Chaeyoung the truth about her feelings.

"That good, huh?"

Letting out a quick laugh, Jennie shrugged, shyly ducking her head down as she reached the doorway. Peeking up at her sister, she rolled her eyes at Chaeyoung's raised eyebrows and gave her a pointed look, stepping into the kitchen. "Whatever did, or didn't, happen is between me and Jisoo, and you-" Jennie said, stopping to kiss her sister on the top of her head, "should worry about your own girlfriend."

Chaeyoung scoffed, pursing her lips slightly as she watched Jennie pour herself some orange juice. "Well you're in an awfully good mood either way, which is nice to see. But I guess you moving back home is out of the question then?"

Pressing her lips together in a grim line, Jennie walked over to the table and dropped down into a seat, giving Chaeyoung an uncertain look as she fiddled with her glass of orange juice. She wasn't even sure herself, and she thought that perhaps her sister might have some good advice for her. Chaeyoung always knew what to do. "I don't know. We haven't really talked about it. We tried yesterday, but we just- things are good right now. I don't want to mess it up by coming on too strong. I can't exactly ask her to move there with me after a couple of months of dating. And I know that Jisoo wouldn't ask me to stay either."

Giving her a sympathetic look, Chaeyoung reached out and gave her arm a quick squeeze, "well at least you're being cautious this time."

Groaning, Jennie tipped her head back, closing her eyes as she thought about Taehyung. "Ugh, please don't remind me. It's different this time though! It all feels ... different. I don't feel like I'm rushing anything, or that she doesn't care . I feel like- I can't even describe it."

"You feel like the sun is around you at all times, even when you can't see it or feel it. She makes you feel warm and safe , and she learns things about you - not to judge you, but to learn how you need to be loved - and just laughing with her is just- it's one of the best feelings. I know. I know exactly how you feel," Chaeyoung softly murmured, a lost look in her eyes.

Jennie's heart ached for her sister, and she reached out to take her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay; I made my decision. I feel comfortable with it now though, like I'm exactly where I should be. I think staying with her ... I wouldn't have felt content after a while. Now, I've accepted that I made the right decision, and it doesn't matter if I still want her sometimes, because I know that at least I've been honest with myself. But you ... you should enjoy the feeling, because it's happening."

"So you think I should stay?"

"I think ... you should do what makes you happy, Jen. No one else can tell you what makes you happy - only you can decide that. I'll still miss you if you stay, but at least I'll know that you've got someone taking care of you."

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