Chapter 15

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"Wait, you kissed her?"

"Uh huh," Jennie smiled, biting her lip as she stared down at the bouquet of pink peonies, holding the card in her hand. She'd read it and reread it a dozen times since Minzy had walked in with it, a knowing smile on her face as she set the flowers down on the table, watching her daughter's face light up.

Storyteller, thank you for a breathtaking night. It's one I'll remember for a long time. See you soon, Music Girl.

"So, how was it?" Chaeyoung asked.

Laughing, Jennie felt her cheeks turn red, and she reached out to trace a fingertip along the curve petal of a flower. "It was ... good."


"Better than good," Jennie hesitantly replied, "it felt right . I wasn't nervous either! I just- we were sitting there and she played me this song she wrote for me, and oh, Chaeyoung, it was so beautiful , and I couldn't help myself. There weren't fireworks or any of that movie crap, it was just ... perfect. Like, I could be kissed like that every day and everything would feel that it was exactly how it was supposed to be."

Her sister laughed on the other end of the phone, and Jennie felt her cheeks turn redder at the fact that she'd rambled and revealed too much, but it didn't stop the fluttering feeling in her stomach. "Huh."

"Huh what?" Jennie sighed, waiting for her sister's opinion.

"Nothing. I just- you didn't know you liked her? This is on par with how I was with Joy! God, we really are messes. I'm happy for you though; she's nice. Lisa said that she's been trying to get Jisoo to go out and meet someone for a while."

"Lisa?" Jennie blinked in surprise, "I didn't realise you were both so chatty on the car ride home."

There was a slight pause, and Chaeyoung let out a nervous laugh, "ah, right, well this was actually last night ... over drinks."


"Yes, Jennie, drinks. Are you going to repeat everything I keep saying," Chaeyoung exasperatedly replied, sounding a little flustered, much to Jennie's amusement.


"No! No huh! It was just a few drinks."

Jennie laughed as Chaeyoung tried to protest, insisting that it had only been a couple of drinks at a bar while Ruby was at a sleepover, but Jennie could hear it in her sister's voice. This was how it had started with Joy. And then Jennie realised that she'd never had that before. The giddy feelings about Jisoo were something she'd never experienced in any of her other relationships, and definitely not with Taehyung. Then, with a start, Jennie remembered Taehyung. She hadn't thought about him in so long that it was shocking to think that she'd been in a relationship with someone else just a few months ago. Right now, she couldn't imagine having not met Jisoo.


"Whatever. I'm going now."

Smiling, Jennie glanced at the kitchen clock and sighed slightly, "okay, I'll drop it. But just so you know, she's very pretty."

"I'm not blind, Jennie. I know she's pretty. And speaking of blind, do you know who else is pretty? Jisoo. Now go and confess your love to her and stop making mountains out of molehills."

"Just a little mountain?" Jennie joked and Chaeyoung let out a dramatic sigh, her voice colored with amusement when she replied.

"We'll see."

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