Chapter 38

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Things moved along quickly when Jennie asked Jisoo to move with her. It was like Jennie had been stuck in the slow meandering of time in the sleepy little seaside town, waiting for a decision to be made, and now that she had finally decided, everything happened all at once. Part of her thought that they were rushing to make it happen so that they could bask in the relief of their fresh start. It would all be different this time - for both of them. Firstly, Jisoo put her house up for sale, accepting the first decent offer by a family with three kids and a golden retriever. They came to see the house a month after it had been put up for sale, with its seafoam green shutters and doors, neatly cultivated garden blooming back to life as the dog excitedly chased bees.

            Jennie gave them a tour of the house, giving them a glimpse into the sparse rooms, and the even sparser piano room. The wreckage had been removed at Jisoo's request, grimly deciding in her defeat that she was done with her music for now. It hurt Jennie to see her give up, and she knew that the piano had been a gift off Jin, and she couldn't bear the thought of it being scrapped. Instead, she had someone come and take the ruined pieces of it to a piano shop, and she cleaned up the clipped wires and splinters of wood herself. Jisoo didn't mention it or playing again from that moment onwards, and Jennie let her pretend that she didn't miss it, even if it upset her to see Jisoo give up. She never gave up on her physical therapy though, going a few times a week, until the tremors in her hands lessened just a little, and she was able to do up buttons or unlock doors with a little less difficulty, and the gaps in her speech grew less frequent, although it was a long road away from being back to how it had been. She'd come a long way in a few short months, and it seemed like moving was just another step in that healing process, as spring flew by and summer approached.

            They made three trips into the city over the following weeks, checking out apartments that Alex and Lisa had scouted out for them. Both of them were thrilled at the thought of them moving to Seoul, and the thought of how much fun it would be to have them all in the city. On the trips there, they visited different areas of the city, trying to find a place that fit. They had both become accustomed to endless forests of clean pine smelling air and the bracing briny sea swept in with the wind. They were used to peace and quiet and the gentle soothing sound of water a constant white noise on a still night, even with the windows closed. In comparison, the city was a never ending swarm of activity with cars honking, clubs playing thumping music and the smell of damp, car exhaust fumes and overflowing alleyways. Jennie was worried that Jisoo would hate it. She hadn't lived in the city for a few years now, and Jennie was scared it would be too overwhelming for her.

            In the end, they found a spacious penthouse on the harbourfront, overlooking the sparkling jade water that made Jennie's expression soften the moment she saw it, her lips curling into a smile as she stared out the wall of full length windows looking out over the city. Boats bobbed on the gently rocking water, looking like toys from their height, and a stretch of sea spread out as far as she could see. It was all white walls and wooden floors, with a maze of airy rooms with high ceilings. In the emptiness of the place, Jennie could envision their life. A room for all their books and one of Jisoo's comfy sofas and armchairs. The large bedroom with an ensuite, and a guest bedroom as well. The open plan area that would make it easy for Jisoo to navigate her way from the kitchen to the living room, with space for a dining table in between. A room for a piano, for when the time came. Coming back into the open plan area, their footsteps echoing on the hardwood floor, Jennie cranked open one of the windows a little, letting in the faint smell of saltwater and a cool breeze.

            Wrapping her arms around Jisoo's waist from behind, resting her chin on her shoulder, she smiled. "The sea looks like your eyes today," she whispered. Jisoo put in an offer.

it's always ourselves that we find in the sea || jensooWhere stories live. Discover now