Chapter 19

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"You know I heard you coming, right?" Jisoo said, an amused smile playing on her lips as she gently tapped her cane back and forth, eyes hidden behind her dark sunglasses and a grocery bag dangling from one hand.

Jennie let out a light laugh, catching her breath as her jog turned into a walk, "but did you know it was me?"

"Well ... no. What're you doing?"

Squinting as she looked out at the grey sea, the sky a stormy grey with the threat of light showers close at hand, Jennie burrowed her hands into the pockets of the windbreaker she was wearing, stomping her feet as she tried to dislodge the wet sand caked on her sneakers. "I was dropping my latest article off at the office. Thought I'd jog there and back to clear my mind."

"Nervous?" Jisoo asked.

"Wha- about tonight? Pfft, no ," Jennie spluttered, letting out a laugh that was bordering on hysterical as her nerves betrayed her. "Of course I'm not nervous. Why, are you scared?"

"Not scared," Jisoo murmured.

Laughing again, Jennie reached out to take the grocery bag off Jisoo, planting a quick kiss on her cheek, and was met with an exasperated look. "It's not your shopping day today," Jennie observed, waiting for Jisoo to relinquish her hold on the bag. They'd fallen into a routine of Jennie accompanying Jisoo to the store for her weekly shopping trip. It made it easier and quicker, and they'd stop off at a coffee shop afterwards and split a slice of pie. Jennie was trying to get Jisoo to eat out more so they could go more places besides Jisoo's house - not that she minded that though.

"I was just picking up dessert to bring to yours."

"Oooh, what'd you buy?" Jennie eagerly asked.

"Finish your jog, Jen."

"I'd much rather walk with you."

With a small sigh, Jisoo gave her an amused look and let Jennie take the bag off her, linking their fingers together as they walked along the path. She asked about Jisoo's day and told her about hers, and the path curved as they followed the coastline, the cold making them shiver and long, coarse grass whipping at their legs as it bowed beneath the strong wind. The sea was choppy, and Jennie described the view before her as they walked. She could see a few Loons perched on an outcropping of jagged rocks, their rust coloured throats vivid against the dreary landscape, while a few gulls cried out as they fought over scraps on the shore. The sun was sinking low on the horizon by the time they reached Minzy's house, Jisoo having insisted on going straight there with Jennie, and as Jennie helped her up towards the back door, a nervous flicker of excitement in her stomach, and they paused outside for a moment. They could hear the sounds of voices coming from the kitchen, lit by yellow light, and Jennie caught a glimpse of her sister's dark hair through the window, which meant that Lisa was there too.

"Ready?" Jennie murmured, a smile in her voice as she reached out to brush Jisoo's hair out of her face.

Tilting her head to the side, a thoughtful look crossed Jisoo's face, and then she gave Jennie a small smile, folding up her cane and hiding it down by her side. "I think so."

Nodding, Jennie opened the back door, a wall of warmth hitting her as she stepped inside, capturing the attention of the three women and the young girl crowded into the kitchen, and Jennie gave them all a big smile as she pulled Jisoo inside after her. Shutting the door, cutting off the cold air that was sneaking in after them, Jennie pressed a hand against Jisoo's lower back, gently guiding her forward.

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