Chapter 16

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The sun was still struggling to rise when Jennie woke, the faint light from outside seeping in through the windows as she quickly made her bed. Choosing a pair of faded denim overalls and a white t-shirt, she made her way to the bathroom, stretching and yawning as she listened to the clattering sound of Minzy making breakfast in the kitchen. The water was cold and she let out a small yelp as goosebumps rippled across her skin, tearing her out of the last vestiges of sleep. As soon as the water was steaming, she climbed into the shower and scrubbed herself with lavender soap, splaing water on her face and rinsing the soap suds off before climbing out. Her hair straightened where it was damp and her glasses fogged up when she shoved them back on her face, quickly changing into her clothes as the frigid air in the tiled bathroom made her shiver.

Her footsteps were loud on the staircase, the wooden steps creaking slightly, and she smiled brightly at Minzy when she walked into the kitchen. "Good morning!"

"You're up early," her mom noted, her eyebrows rising slightly as she gave Jennie a small smile, "there's fresh coffee in the pot."

Putting some bread in the toaster, Jennie grabbed a clean mug and poured herself some of the dark, bitter coffee, hopping up onto the counter and smiling as she took a sip. "Can I borrow the car today?"

"Sure, honey. I've got to be at work by seven," Minzy told her, "got plans for today?"

"Mhm. I'm doing some gardening."


"Jisoo's garden."

"Oh. Well, I guess she won't have a lawnmower, but ours is somewhere in the garage. I think I've got some shears and gloves in a box somewhere too."

Smiling, Jennie slid off the counter as the golden brown toast jumped up and she spread butter and thick strawberry jam onto the bread, carrying her plate and coffee over to the table and taking a seat across from Minzy. "Thanks."

She ate in silence, watching her mother drink her coffee as she read a medical journal, and Jennie felt comfortable. It was a peaceful morning, the sky a steely blue with wisps of clouds trailing across the horizon, and the gentle ebbing and flowing of the early morning tide drifted in through the open window above the sink. It seemed like it would be a good day for gardening. A feeling of excitement flickered within her, both for seeing Jisoo, and for fixing something that she had control of. Jennie liked a challenge with a foreseeable outcome, and tending to Jisoo's garden would be rewarding on two fronts - both as a physical reward when it looked presentable, and as a favour to Jisoo.

"So, you've been seeing a lot of Jisoo," Minzy hesitantly started as Jennie dusted the crumbs from her fingertips, freezing slightly at the interest in her adoptive mother's tone. "I take it that things are going well?"

Blushing slightly, Jennie bit back a smile, "it's early days, but ... so far."

Giving her a soft look, Minzy climbed to her feet, putting her empty coffee cup into the sink and giving Jennie's shoulder a gentle squeeze as she stopped behind her chair. "It's been a while since I've seen you this happy," she said, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of Jennie's golden.

A feeling of warmth spread throughout her, and Jennie realised that she was happy. She had nothing figured out - no job and no home to call her own - but even just the thought of Jisoo was enough to chase away her doubts about herself. She would figure everything out in her own time, and she knew that Jisoo would be by her side to push her to chase after what she wanted. But then again, there was no security in a relationship. The thought of ending back up at square one made a lump form in her throat. She didn't want to go back to having nothing again, and at least in Auckland, she had something .

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