Chapter 40 (END)

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last chapterrrrrrr

The next year was busy, with Jennie back to her full time work at the newspaper and Jisoo finally fully recovering from the accident. It had been a long road, but finally the tremors in her hands stopped, and Jennie would wake sometimes during the night to hear the muted sound of a piano drifting through the apartment. She'd climb out of bed and open the door a crack, before going back to sleep to the sweet sound of the soft music, feeling like everything was right in the world. Her own work was coming along well too, and she had her pick of stories to include in YG's magazine, and after nearly a year of hard work, she'd been given leave to travel.

It wasn't a vacation, as per se, but around about October, Jisoo had declared that she wanted to perform again, that she wanted to play for thousands of people all around the world, and Jennie had agreed in a heartbeat, supporting her wholeheartedly. And Jisoo came through on her end of the bargain with Mr. Yang and was giving YG the exclusive on the entire thing, which meant that Jennie would finally put everything about Jisoo into words.

They left in January, just after the new year, and after Jisoo's first performance in Seoul. Jennie had been sitting front row with Chaeyoung, Lisa, Bobby, Hanbin and Minzy. Afterwards, she met Jisoo with a bouquet of white lilies, the same kind Jin used to bring her after every show. It didn't seem right to let the tradition stop, not when Jennie knew he was one of the reasons why Jisoo had taken to the stage again, fulfilling her promise that she'd never stop playing.

After they'd finished their tour of Korea, visiting a dozen cities, where Jennie was surprised to see Sandara sitting front row to watch her daughter play, they went to Canada. Then onwards to America, Australia, and then to Europe, where Jisoo played sold out performances in London, Paris, Prague, Athens, Zurich and a dozen other cities in a dozen other countries. Everywhere they went, they took the time to see the city, and Jennie would describe all of the old buildings as they wandered foreign streets. They tried the local cuisine and danced at street festivals, went sightseeing - more for Jennie's benefit than Jisoo's - and at each stop, Jisoo would play and Jennie would sit there in the front row, a teary smile on her face as she listened to the sound of the music. No matter how many times she watched her play, it always made her heart swell with love, happiness and pride, knowing all the hardships it had taken for Jisoo to find herself back up on the stage.

The last stop was the Netherlands, for Jisoo's final show in Amsterdam, before they returned to Seoul. It had been the best few months of Jennie's life, seeing so many things and watching Jisoo do what she loved in front of so many people, and she was a little upset that tonight was the last show. Jisoo had been so happy the entire time, her laughs easier and as outspoken as ever whenever she had an opinion, and Jennie cherished the sight of seeing her so carefree. It would be nice to go home and see their family and friends though, and Jisoo had announced that she was excited to sleep in their own bed again. Still, they had two more nights left of their trip, and Jennie wanted to make the most of it.

Early that morning, she'd woken Jisoo up and told her to get ready, watching as she'd picked out a red t-shirt and a pair of short overalls, and had bit back an excited smile. They'd driven the rental car out of Amsterdam, taking the thirty minute trip to the Keukenhof, where she'd surprised Jisoo with a trip to the tulip fields. It had been nearly two years ago when Jisoo had confided in her her frustration about not being able to drive a car or see the tulips in Holland, and while she couldn't see them, the sweet smell of the flowers was strong enough for her to enjoy it. Jennie had shyly reminded her as they reached the first row of flowerbeds, and Jisoo had let out a delighted laugh, her face lighting up as she reached out and felt for Jennie's face, giving her a hard kiss and thanking her.

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