Chapter 12

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She had the late shift that Thursday, starting mid-morning and working until the coffee shop shut at five, and decided to head into town early and go to the library before work. With three new paperbacks tucked safely in her bag, Jennie wheeled her bike down Main Street, the smell of fresh coffee and baking bread permeating the air, and she paused for a moment to look at the flowers on display on the rickety tables outside the florist, smiling at the comforting smell of lavender, jasmine and roses, and the familiar smell of freesia that she had quickly come to associate with Jisoo. Moving on from the florist, Jennie made her way down the street, pausing for a moment and shading her eyes at the brightly dressed figure with a cane, disappearing into a clothing store. Smiling, Jennie crossed the road, having to hurry as a truck came speeding past, and walked a little further down the street, leaving her bike leaning against the streetlight and walking into the shop, the sound of a small bell tinkling greeting her.

Jisoo had her back to Jennie, who smiled at the bright orange leather jacket and turquoise jeans, and as Jennie neared her, she saw a pair of neon green running shoes held in her hand as she quietly told the sales assistant - Josie, Jennie realised - that she'd take them.

"Bold choice," Jennie interrupted as Josie started to pack the shoes back into the box, "neon green's a little bright, even for you."

Turning around when Jennie started speaking, Jisoo stiffened as she finished, and the smile on Jennie's lips faltered slightly when Jisoo brushed past her and walked outside without a word. Eyes widening in surprise, and mouth falling open in shock, Jennie looked at Josie and then rushed after Jisoo, catching the door before it closed. Jennie shouldered past people as she followed the dark bowed head, watching as Jisoo was jostled by people who didn't move out of her way because she didn't have her cane out.

"Jisoo! Jisoo wait!" Jennie called after her. Giving people apologetic looks and wincing slightly as she manoeuvred in and out of the other pedestrians, being bumped and her way blocked. "Jisoo! Hang on a second. Slow down."

She finally reached her, a hand falling on Jisoo's shoulder, and pushed them both over to the small alcove in front of an optometrists, moving out of the way of people passing by. Catching her breath, Jennie gave Jisoo a confused look, taking in the sharp lines of her face and the grim line of her mouth. A flicker of unease ran through Jennie, and she couldn't help but wonder if she'd done something wrong - perhaps offended Jisoo - but she'd seen her only two days ago and they'd had a great time watching Grease and eating the cheesecake Jennie had picked up on her way home from work.

"What's wrong? Is it something I said?" Jennie asked, a wounded look crossing her face. "I'm sorry if you thought I was making fun of you. I wasn't, I promise. Green looks nice on you."

"What am I wearing?" Jisoo quietly blurted out, her head ducked down and her shoulders slightly hunched.

Eyebrows rising slightly in surprise, Jennie smiled slightly, "an orange leather jacket and blue jeans - like a turquoise kind of colour. I think you're wearing a purple shirt underneath with ... white polka dots."

The muscles in Jisoo's jaw clenched and unclenched a few times, and Jennie didn't have to see her eyes to know that they would be filled with anger. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"That I look like a fucking clown," Jisoo snapped, her cheeks turning red with embarrassment. "All those times you told me you liked what I was wearing ..."

"I did," Jennie said, "did you- did you not know what you were wearing?"

"No, I fucking didn't," Jisoo hotly replied, her voice trembling slightly, "I only buy black clothes. At least I thought that I- ... they've been laughing at me the whole time. You've been laughing along with them."

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