Chapter 11

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After work, Jennie went home and quickly showered and changed, before grabbing the wine that she'd bought on her way home, texted Minzy to let her know she'd be out late, and then cycled over to Jisoo's house. Leaving the pink bike leaning against the wooden slats of the house, Jennie grabbed the bottles and quickly jogged up the steps, knocking on the door and patiently waiting for Jisoo to answer it. Jennie bit back a smile as the door opened up and her eyes were assaulted by a short-sleeved bright blue Hawaiian shirt and a pair of emerald green sweatpants, her feet bare as she hovered in the doorway.

"Hi," Jennie smiled, the bottles clinking as she adjusted them in her arms, "I brought wine."

"And I ordered Chinese," Jisoo smiled, standing aside so Jennie could come in.


Closing the door behind herself, Jennie followed Jisoo into the kitchen, flipping the light on as she went, and followed Jisoo's directions to the cupboard with some glasses in them, settling for two highball glasses when she realised that Jisoo didn't have any wine glasses, having never needed them. With a quick warning, Jennie popped the cork from the bottle of wine and filled them both up glasses, while Jisoo fetched forks and put the little white cartons in the microwave and heated them up again, filling the kitchen with the smell of the food. They talked while they made their way around the kitchen, telling each other about their day, before Jennie followed Jisoo back down the hallway and into the living room, juggling wine and food as she fumbled for the light switch and then followed Jisoo over to the leather sofa. The room wasn't overly decorative, used as more of a functional room than one that was made to appreciate the look of it, and it was sparsely, yet luxuriously furnished with just the sofa, coffee table, massive TV on a stand, a row of neat bookshelves and an upright piano. Setting everything down on the coffee table, Jennie sat down beside Jisoo and picked up one of the cartons, opening it up and looking down at the sweet and sour pork.

"I've got honey chicken," Jisoo proclaimed, spearing a piece on her pork and handing it over to Jennie.

"Sweet and sour pork," Jennie told her, quickly popping a piece into her mouth before she pressed the carton into Jisoo's hand.

Eating in silence for a few minutes, except for the occasional opening of cartons and the proclamation of what was inside it, and Jennie took the time to observe Jisoo, feeling the familiar clenching of her heart as she was overcome with nerves. It wasn't so much that she was nervous being around Jisoo - it was quite the opposite; Jennie had never felt so comfortable around someone outside of her family - but it was the fact that her feelings might be more than she thought they were. That was something that she wasn't sure she was ready to confront right now.

"So, how about we get the drinking started," Jisoo said after a few moments, giving Jennie a lopsided smile as she was later presented with a glass of red wine being pressed into her hand. "Time to see what all the fuss is about."

"You might be wishing you'd never said that in the morning," Jennie laughed, picking up her own glass of wine and gently clinking it against Jisoo's before tasting a sip.

Jisoo took a sip of her own and grimaced slightly, a look of disgust on her face, "this is really not that nice."

Laughing, Jennie slightly shook her head, "it'll grow on you. Just keep drinking."

They drank the first bottle quickly, the coffee table littered with empty white takeaway cartons, and Jennie was on her knees in front of the unit across from the sofa, a sound system sitting on a shelf in the unit the TV was on and a stack of CDs organized in no particular order, but all neatly lined up, and she was pulling them out, going through Jisoo's music as she looked for something to play. There was a lot of classical music, of course, but a mix of other genres too, and a row of bookshelves along the far wall, similarly filled with CDs.

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