2- found after fall

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Everypony gave their greetings, Fluttershy all ready to fly, but asked Twilight and Rainbow Dash to fly with her untill they gotten there. The task was over borders In the cold and ice, but Fluttershy didn't hesitate. She didn't want to leave but her cutie mark gave her no choice.

And off they flew. Rainbow on her left and Twilight on her right.

'' It's gonna be okay!'' Rainbow consoled Fluttershy before it seemed like tears would flow right out of her eyes

'' Thank you, Rainbow. '' Fluttershy sounded like a choked mare in the air.

For many hours they have been flying and they were crossing borders and they knew all because of one snowflake. Followed by another and another and another. Untill the snowflakes became millions and trillions.

Rainbow Dash tried to make way through the heavy clowds. Twilight just infront of Fluttershy, and reinsuring every minute that she is behind her.

Fluttershy's wings were tired and was picking up ice on the edges.
Eyes burning of the cold and also breathing heavily, she didn't see a changeling from the front, striking her on her right side, taking her down to the grownd. Fluttershy dissapeared into a bunch of clouds but never landed. She is falling.

Twilight put a magical barrier around herself and Rainbowdash. She looked back and saw that Fluttershy was not in the barrier

'' Where is Fluttershy?!'' Twilight asked anxiously

Rainbow looked and saw why Twilight had asked of that.

they both flew to the ground in search of their friend, all they had found was her element of harmony, the element of kindness.

In the shadows, not very far from where Fluttershy had landed, Was one shadow. Seeing how a yellowish figure had fallen a few seconds ago, approached an uncontious Fluttershy. The shadow is Sombra. He walked closer and checked her pulse. low. She was to be frosen soon.

He took off his red coat and covered Fluttershy's body, Picked her up and carried her to his castle.

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