A sad and shocking discovery 9

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Everypony, including Discord, went looking for Fluttershy again. Inside the freezing desert of ice and snow. Discord decided to split up and walk alone this time. Five minutes after walking off from the search party group he let his power get hot chocolate to appear in front of him and he devour it to get rid of the most of the frost bite.

Twilight tried to link with her magic with anything that belonged to Fluttershy, but always ended up at the animal shelter. Everything they did to find her always failed.

Discord went for his third cup of hot chocolate in the last fourty seconds and when he went for his fourth he tripped over that seemed like a little pile of snow

''Aaaaahhhh!'' he screamed because his hot chocolate had spilt all over him. He looked back to the heap of snow and walked right up to it.

'' Stupid snow mountain! You made me spill my hot drink!'' He shouted and kicked it. What he saw beneith the snow realy caught his eye's attention. Pink strands of thread, or a tail of a certain pony. He picked up the body that seemed to look like Fluttershy, and his body just turned blue and let out a terrified yet disturbing scream. So loud that the others lifted their heads and searched for the serface of the sound.

Twilight came begind the blue chaotic creature and tried to calm him down.

'' Discord, It's okay. What's the matter?'' Twilight asked worryingly
'' Did you spill hot chocolate over yourself again?''

Discord turned his head towards Twilight. '' Yes, I did, also discovered Fluttershy's body right in front of me.'' he cried. Real tears, which was rare for Twilight or anypony to see.

'' Everypony will be heartbroken by this.'' Twilight whispered.

Timeskip by Evninglight Paintsplash portrait...

Back at Canterlot. The Royal sisters were sitting at the dining table. All except Luna. And right on cue she walked into the dining hall.

'' Tia, Why didn't you wake me?'' Luna asked

Celestia swallowed her last piece of pancake fruit face and wiped her mouth with a white and blue napkin.

'' Your duties are usualy at night, sister, and you didn't get much sleep, neither. I need you here at Canterlot at the night time, little sister.'' Celestia told her while doing her tasks

'' All I need to do at night is to rise the moon and whatch out for nightmares, and nothing else.'' Luna told Celestia  '' Why can't Cadenza help me then?'' she asked without thinking.

'' Cadance is a mother now, can you think she'd leave Shining Armour alone with Flurry Heart?'' She askes sternly.

'' I just need mostly all help I gan get. My friend is out there and I will do everything in my power to find her.'' Luna said confedently.

Just then Twilight and the group walked into the throne room, all with droopy ears and necks hanging. Even Rainbowdash wasn't flying.

'' Your highness, we've come only to bring terrible news.'' One royal guard said.

Luna frowned '' The last thing I need is indeed terrible news.'' Luna replied sarcasticly walking till next to Celestia.

The guards made way for Discord, for he held a short figure in his claw and paw and sat it on the ground. He opened the fabric only to show Fluttershy. her Left side totaly damaged with cuts and bruises.  The sight was too much for Luna.

'' This should not have happened!'' Luna yelled and ended up crying.

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