Another failed search 7

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Twilight, a few guards and Discord went searching for Fluttershy.
For three days she went missing. For two days they became more guards, more worries and more tears to search for her.

They all returned to the castle in Aquesrtea. Luna with her sister, Celestia, were sitting on their thrones but Luna would constantly stand and look outside the window.

'' Calm yourself, Sister. It has been three days and I know your and Fluttershy's friendship is great. She will return soon.'' Celestia said, trying her best to console her younger sister but fails again. It was already the eighth time today.

'' Don't tell me to calm down! My best friend is out there and tomorrow I will get out there, on my own and search even if it costs me to get lost as well!'' Luna shouted in her loudets voice.

Right then, Twilight walked in. Her aura was powered, her eyes tired and welled with tears and that bugged Luna Immediatly.

'' I-Im so s..sorry, P-princess!'' Twilight sobbed running towards Celestia into her hoofs. hiccups were heard while she was crying.

Out of Twilight's saddle bag she pulled out a frozen object. It is Fluttershy's Element of harmony: Kindness.

Luna saw and ran towards Twilight, hugging her and crying with her. Rarity, Starlight, and the others got into the tight embrace.

Celestia calmess grew into worry. Winter was nearly there but tomorrow, there would be a search party out, but not the day after, She never told Luna about that.

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