Breaking boredom and walls

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After four days of struggleing to get answers and keeping the wounds clean, Sombra had no choice but to keep Fluttershy in bed so that she could be better. Fluttershy always got peppermint tea, food of all three courses including desert, and permission to use the bathroom when needed.

But today, Fluttershy got bored. Sombra's company just wasn't enough for her. she read books but there were only five of them for her to read but already have read all of them.

Sombra then came into the room. Fluttershy sat in bed, with a hoof to her face, eyes half closed and a frown on her face.

He notices. '' Is anything wrong?''

Fluttershy looks up at him. He's carrying another tray with a teapot flled with hot water. The glass teacups with gold on the edges. '' More tea? And yes, I am bored.''

'' Bored? nothing to do?''

Fluttershy nodded her head.

'' How does chess sound?''

Fluttershy lifted her head a bit higher '' Who would play chess with me, while I'm still in this bed it's getting uncomfortable in here and I barely get to stand.''

Sombra thought for a moment.

'' I will play chess with you, and we may sit at the kitchen dining table.'' He said calmly.

'' Aren't you busy mostly?'' she asked.

'' I'm done for today and I'm also bored.'' he replied honestly.

Fluttershy was shocked. Usualy he'd say that he is busy mostly but now he is done and also facing boredom. Fluttershy saw him walking up to her side of the bed and placing her on his back. He carried her on his back to the dining table where lunch waited and a chessplate was ready setted.

'' I could've walked on my own, you needn't to do that for me. My legs are perfectly fine, but thank you.'' she said trying not to sound  ungreatfull.

Sombra just nodded in responce and gestured to a chair, pulling it out and setting her on the chair. First they ate then he pulled the bord closer to them.

'' your white, I'm black.'' Sombra told her.

few minutes later brought by my laziness and I don't know how chess is written in books ; )

'' Checkmate!'' Fluttershy shouted. Sombra just laid with his head on the table facing the bord in awe and humulliation

'' How? It's the fourth time in less in a hour.'' Sombra still suprised of her winning for the fourth time.

'' I always played with Twilight, she taught me how to beat anyone at this game, If you'd like, I can teach you.'' Fluttershy said in the most sweet voice smiling.

'' Ha! The element bearer of kindness has teeth! For the first time here in four days you have smiled.'' Sombra said and seeing Fluttershy blush and try to hide her face behind her main.

''No need for that my dear.... wait, what?''

Fluttershy looked at him wide eyed and blushed even redder.

'' Forget I have said that.'' he covered his face with his hoofs

Fluttershy climbed off her chair and walked up to him and tried to uncover his face '' Hey, don't say that. I think your kinda cute when you are blushing... Wait, what?''

they looked at eachother and slightly leaned into eachother, eyes closing...

But they were disturbed by the servant who served dinner.

Their lips almost touched and they backed up before anypony would notice. though they were not under by his magic.

'' I'm sorry, Fluttershy. I shouldn't have done that.'' he apologized and looked away. Fluttershy felt her heart flutter, but dissapointed of their interuption by the servant.

After dinner, she imidiantly went to the master bedroom, Sombra next to her but his mind into the clouds. He wondered if she could have fallen for him, but cept his mouth shut.

It's just been four days, Sombra! Give this hope more time and patience.

He reminded himself of how long she was there. Four days was just too early but like Cadance would say: Love can happen anytime and with anypony, even with no time at all.

''I would give her more time'' He said for himself and opened the bedroom door for Fluttershy, and he followed behind her.

They finished for bed and he gone to the kitchen to get more peppermint tea and mini chocolate poptarts.

Fluttershy sat once again in bed and started to wonder:

Could I realy have fallen for him? This is a mission, not a tunnel of love, but he's been nothing but nice to me. It's too early, but Cadance always says that love can happen anytime to anypony.

But her mind went back to where they almost kissed, their eyes locked and their nosetips touched and they were close, too close perhaps.


After ten minutes, Sombra came back into the room carrying a tray, filled with ready made tea and pop tarts.

'' I hope you don't mind, we have to Talk about what happened before din...'' He saw Fluttershy sleeping soundly and looking happy.

he accidentily set the tray hard on his side fo the bed and woke Fluttershy.

'' Wha...  Is everything alright, Sombra?'' she asked. her main looked roughed up and her eye white a little red.

Sombra felt guilty waking her up, so he laid next to her

'' Sorry, I set the tray on the table too hard, I didn't mean to wake you up like this.'' he said feeling guilty once again even more.

'' It's alright, Is that pop tarts?'' She asked, Sombra handing her one.

'' Heh, you were so quickly out of the dining room and completley forgotten of desert so I asked the servant of what we have forgotten and he said desert. '' he laughed '' and I brought you your pop tart for you.''

'' Your sweet, you know that?'' Fluttershy suddenly said with a little more confedence

Then Sombra started to shiver a bit. He laid on his uncomfortable corner of his bed.

'' Are you getting cold, Sombra?'' She asked concerned for him.

'' Yes, I am and hurt. I had to sleep on this side of my bed ever since I ha e found you.'' He said and his rib was in pain.

Fluttershy felt guilty '' If you want, you can sleep on the top side next to me, I understand it's uncomfortable down there and this guilt is killing me. I wondered why you slept over there at night.''

Sombra seemed shocked.'' Are you sure? Because It feels like I'm disturbing your space. And on the first day You were here, I took care of your wounds and after that I have laid next to you because I was tired and I might have fallen asleep next to you, I was turned to my left side and you turned to your right side, causing our nosetips to hsve touched.'' He said and realized he might have said too much.

''Are you scared falling asleep next to me?'' Fluttershy asked.

'' Yes, I'm terrified actualy.'' He blushed.

'' And That first time I was unconsious, right?'' She asked

'' Yes you were, Bloodied and wounded, But I took care of that.'' He said honestly.

'' This time I'm just sleeping, I don't bother anypony.'' she reached for Sombra's neck and pulled him to her lap and started to play with his main.

He felt relaxed and his hurt rib feeling more comfortable and he let Fluttershy just do her work till she started to fall asleep.

Sombra unknowingly decided to join her.

Good night Fluttershy.

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