A sight to see and feel 10

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Another day passed and Sombra finaly let Fluttershy move around the castle. With a broken wing and patched eye, she wished to fly even for the slightest moment.

But she remained on the ground. Sombra's work was done and he decided a little fresh air would do him good. So he took his coat and put it on. Fluttershy was still wearing his red, white and black spotted robe. ln the white soft snow she got a sight of snow white critters, she walked up to them and offered a few snacks like nuts and fruit, they gladly accepted and ate.

Sombra just came with a trip down the stairs and halted as soon as the critters ran off.

'' Oh I'm so sorry, I just tripped and fell off the staircase and no injuries.'' he smiled but felt guilty but Fluttershy ran to him, helping him up on his hoofs again and inspecting him. A few bruises were found and she finaly spoke.

'' No Injuries?'' She picked up his left front hoof to his face '' You call this not injured?''

'' No need to worry about me. I'm allright.'' Sombra said and tried to stand but felt something painful in his left hoof and fell to the ground.

'' Owwwwwwchhhh,'' he whispered shouted on his softest but Unfortunatly for him, Fluttershy heard him crystal clear.

'' This outing was enough for me to breath a little fresh air for me but it's been more like a disaster for you, Let's both go inside, have some tea and this time You need your rest.''

Sombra could nearly believed what he just heard. Instead of her getting enough rest to heal, it's him.

Fluttershy helped him up and walked with him into the castle.

Inside the living room, Sombra sat on his sofa whilst his hoof was getting a full checkup.

A few minutes later, Fluttershy was done. '' You have a broken lower hoof.'' she told him but when she was looking he was licking his bruised knee.

'' Don't do that.'' she said sernly.

'' But I have always done this.'' he explained.

'' But it's realy unhealthy.'' she told him

'' Alright, can you help me with this?'' he asked nicely as he could.

'' All you had to do is just ask.'' she said. She fetched a pale of low clean water and a cloth, she made it moisted and said:

'' Please, hold still, for this might sting.'' and she put the moisted fabric on his bruised knee. He flinched away because of the pain.

Fluttershy continued with her work and he quickly adjusted to the pain and it started to fade away.

Sombra saw the calm expression on her face while she was working, smiling while she was doing what she does best: working with animals.

'' You seem calm while doing this, Why?'' he asked.

She looked up at him. '' Because I do this with love, passion, patience, and I do this to animals who are hurt or sick.''

after five minutes, She bandaged his knee and hoof so that it would heal, but instead that Sombra ensured her to bed, she did it instead. He always provided food and snacks, this time, she did.

Sombra spoke,

'' Did I thank you?'' he asked.

'' Not yet but I'd take that as a thanks.'' she handed him some peppermint tea.

'' And your welcome, Sombra.'' Fluttershy said smiling sheepishly.

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