Another day in the Castle of shadows - 6

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Fluttershy woke up the next day, almost forgetting where she is.
Untill Sombra's voice boomed from the hallway, Fluttershy quickly jumped onto her hoofs and went to the doors. The one door was a crack open and Fluttershy saw him standing there in the hall talking with a kitchen servant.

He dismissed the servant, holding a plate with minted tea, turned around and began walking to the room.

Fluttershy rushed to bed to cover her tracks before Sombra got into the room. She pretended to yawn, seeming to have just woken and it seemd to cover her tracks just fine.

'' Good morning, mrs Fluttershy.'' Sombra said holding the tray. On it were a teapot filled with hot water, two glass cups ant their little plates with gold on the edges, a matching sugar cup and two golden teaspoons. He walked to her side of the bed and poured some tea for the both of them. He handed Fluttershy's cup and she took it, still afraid for what may he do to her but he seemed calm.

'' Good morning to you too and please, Just Fluttershy.'' She took one little sip from her mint tea.

Sombra nodded his head, putting his tea asside for a while, shifting closer to her and reaching out for her left bandaged wing, which caused her to flintch.

'' Hold still, Fluttershy. I am only looking at your wing, I am not going to hurt you, so please, Let me inspect your injured wing.''
was all he said and Fluttershy let him take a look at her wing.

Five minutes into clean bandages, meds and more blankets plus struggeling to help her. Untill he finished cleaning her wing's wounds, he let her take her rest again, but Fluttershy was not tired at all, just hungry. Her stomach growled and Sombra's ear tilted to the sound.

'' Hungry I guess?'' he said as he took his cup. He reached for Fluttershy's but hers was still full. He pulled his hoof away, letting her finish her tea. it was cooler but not cold. After she finished she gave her cup for Sombra, who was waiting for her to finish.

He took Fluttershy's cup and exited the room, leaving Fluttershy for herself. The sheets were warm and the clean bandages felt relieving on her wing. Most feathers were off because of her injury.  She stood up, stretched for a while and finaly searched for the bathroom. She felt sweaty and wanted to wash it off.

few minutes later
(French accent)

Sombra then came after five minutes with Fluttershy's breakfast, only to find the bed empty and Fluttershy no where to be found
he started to panic and searched the whole room including under the bed, closits and inside. He ran into the bathroom finaly finding Fluttershy covering herself with a big, white and dry towel, as quickly as possible and blushing from embarresment. He ran out of the bathroom as quick as he got into it. and blushed a bright red

Sombra remembered where he put the breakfast tray and put it on Fluttershy's side of the bed. He just sat there for one minute untill Fluttershy came out, feeling fresh and clean she sat next to him and Sombra handed her the tray. He had got her pancakes for breakfast

She ate breakfast and it was exactly like Celestia would've made them and tears nearly swelled up in her eye. She flinched a bit because her left eye was still patched up.

Sombra saw her one tear and her sudden flinch

'' Anything wrong, Fluttershy?'' he asked her and she just shook her head

'' Just missing my friend's cooking is all.'' she said not being specifick

'' Just that?'' was all he asked and Fluttershy's heart nearly broke in half for she is missing everything she had left behind in Ponyville. Her family, her friends and Angel, oh how much she had missed her little companion.

Flinching from pain in her left eye and in her throat a lump and she swallowed it.

'' Okay, I miss everything, my home, friends, family, fury friends and my job.'' she admitted and tears swelled up even more. So much that it merely flooded down her one cheek.

Sombra couldn't help ir so he leaned closer to her, wrapping his hoof around her neck and pulled her closer embracing her consoling her to tell her that it's going to be okay, reinsuring her that everything will be alright. He hushed her and stroke her main. For him it felt so soft as a newborn foal's main.

He sighed with amazement. This changes everything for Sombra.

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